Keeping track of hyphenations

Hi Is there a way to conveniently track hyphenations ? I've had a look at but couldn't find anything. I'm thinking of something like this: add information about all hyphenated words to the log so that this could be further processed with a script maybe. All the best, Denis

On 3/19/2021 11:47 AM, wrote:
Is there a way to conveniently track hyphenations ? I’ve had a look at but couldn’t find anything. depends on what you want to track
----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Hans Hagen
Is there a way to conveniently track hyphenations ? I've had a look at but couldn't find anything. depends on what you want to track
Something like this: Add every hyphenated word to the log file, like hyphenations > 'What-ever' , realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 hyphenations > 'Some-thing', realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2 You could then feed that into a script to produce a lists of all kinds, e.g., each hyphenation only once, sorted by page or by letter, with or without information about pages. Denis

----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Hans Hagen
Gesendet: Freitag, 19. März 2021 12:44 An: mailing list for ConTeXt users ; Maier, Denis Christian (UB) Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] Keeping track of hyphenations On 3/19/2021 11:47 AM, wrote:
Is there a way to conveniently track hyphenations ? I've had a look at but couldn't find anything. depends on what you want to track
Something like this: Add every hyphenated word to the log file, like hyphenations > 'What-ever' , realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 hyphenations > 'Some-thing', realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2
You could then feed that into a script to produce a lists of all kinds, e.g., each hyphenation only once, sorted by page or by letter, with or without information about pages. Forget about specific pagenumbers ... pages can get broken in the middle of a paragraph and it's not worth the trouble of keeping track of / analyzing that detail (as usual all can be done but these are features
On 3/19/2021 1:00 PM, wrote: that hardly anyone uses, get forgotten and probably no one can find where it's documents because no one expects it). Anyway, a pre-weekend distaction: \starttext \enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied] \enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied.console] \dontcomplain \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}{ {\advance\hsize -#1cm \input tufte \par} } \stoptext This will give you in the log file (first and second); the test run has narrow lines where one word crossed several lines, which actually is the main complication here: hyhenated > start hyphenated words hyhenated > 2 : ab-stract, hyhenated > 1 : ag-gre-gate, hyhenated > 3 : ag-gregate, hyhenated > 3 : aggre-gate, hyhenated > 1 : ap-prox-i-mate, hyhenated > 2 : ap-proximate, hyhenated > 3 : approx-imate, hyhenated > 1 : approxi-mate, hyhenated > 1 : av-er-age, hyhenated > 1 : av-erage, hyhenated > 3 : be-cause hyhenated > 1 : ca-pac-ity hyhenated > 4 : ca-pacity hyhenated > 1 : capac-ity hyhenated > 1 : cat-a-log, hyhenated > 2 : cat-alog, hyhenated > 1 : cat-e-go-rize, hyhenated > 3 : cat-egorize, hyhenated > 1 : cata-log, hyhenated > 1 : cate-gorize, hyhenated > 2 : catego-rize, hyhenated > 3 : clas-sify, hyhenated > 3 : clus-ter, hyhenated > 3 : con-dense, hyhenated > 1 : dis-crim-i-nate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-crimi-nate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-criminate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-tin-guish, hyhenated > 3 : dis-tinguish, hyhenated > 2 : discrim-inate, hyhenated > 2 : distin-guish, hyhenated > 1 : enu-mer-ate, hyhenated > 2 : enu-merate, hyhenated > 1 : enumer-ate, hyhenated > 5 : every-day hyhenated > 3 : fil-ter, hyhenated > 2 : fo-cus, hyhenated > 1 : har-mo-nize, hyhenated > 1 : har-monize, hyhenated > 2 : harmo-nize, hyhenated > 6 : high-light, hyhenated > 1 : ide-al-ize, hyhenated > 2 : ide-alize, hyhenated > 1 : ideal-ize, hyhenated > 1 : in-for-ma-tion hyhenated > 1 : in-forma-tionthick hyhenated > 1 : in-formationthick hyhenated > 3 : in-spect, hyhenated > 1 : in-te-grate, hyhenated > 2 : in-tegrate, hyhenated > 1 : informa-tionthick hyhenated > 3 : inte-grate, hyhenated > 5 : iso-late, hyhenated > 4 : item-ize, hyhenated > 3 : mar-velous hyhenated > 1 : or-ga-nize, hyhenated > 1 : orga-nize, hyhenated > 5 : out-line, hyhenated > 1 : pi-geon-hole, hyhenated > 6 : pigeon-hole, hyhenated > 3 : re-duce, hyhenated > 4 : re-fine, hyhenated > 2 : re-view, hyhenated > 4 : se-lect, hyhenated > 1 : sep-a-rate hyhenated > 1 : sepa-rate hyhenated > 3 : sin-gle hyhenated > 4 : struc-ture, hyhenated > 1 : sum-ma-rize, hyhenated > 4 : sum-marize, hyhenated > 1 : summa-rize, hyhenated > 1 : syn-op-size, hyhenated > 2 : syn-opsize, hyhenated > 1 : syn-the-size, hyhenated > 3 : syn-thesize, hyhenated > 1 : synop-size, hyhenated > 2 : synthe-size, hyhenated > 5 : win-now hyhenated > stop hyphenated words and on the console and log (second tracker) lots of pages > flushing realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2, total 0.482, page 0.011, average 0.482 open source > level 2, order 13, name 'tufte.tex' close source > level 2, order 13, name 'tufte.tex' hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: every-day hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: cat-egorize, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: dis-criminate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: pigeon-hole, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: aggre-gate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: re-view, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: enu-merate, open source > level 2, order 14, name 'tufte.tex' close source > level 2, order 14, name 'tufte.tex' hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: every-day hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: synthe-size, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: re-duce, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: catego-rize, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: inte-grate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: ap-proximate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: out-line, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: win-now if you want more you need to analyze the log file (you have to wait till i update, which will not happen today) Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

Wow, Hans, that looks awesome. Thanks a lot.
Regarding the first output: What are the numbers intended to mean?
In the second example we're talking in terms of lines in the input file, right?
If so, would it make sense to add some more context? Like so, or similar:
hyhenated > around line 244 ( "our marvelous and everyday capacity to select") in file hup.tex: every-day
In any case, that's already super conventient. I'll put together a script to compare hyphenations with a whitelist and upload that to the wiki once it's ready.
What's the performance hit of all this? (I mean should you disable this and only run when needed, or can you safely leave the trackers enabled?)
Thanks again for your help!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Hans Hagen
----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Hans Hagen
Gesendet: Freitag, 19. März 2021 12:44 An: mailing list for ConTeXt users ; Maier, Denis Christian (UB) Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] Keeping track of hyphenations On 3/19/2021 11:47 AM, wrote:
Is there a way to conveniently track hyphenations ? I've had a look at but couldn't find anything. depends on what you want to track
Something like this: Add every hyphenated word to the log file, like hyphenations > 'What-ever' , realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 hyphenations > 'Some-thing', realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2
You could then feed that into a script to produce a lists of all kinds, e.g., each hyphenation only once, sorted by page or by letter, with or without information about pages. Forget about specific pagenumbers ... pages can get broken in the middle of a paragraph and it's not worth the trouble of keeping track of / analyzing that detail (as usual all can be done but these are features that hardly anyone uses, get forgotten and probably no one can find where it's documents because no one expects it).
Anyway, a pre-weekend distaction: \starttext \enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied] \enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied.console] \dontcomplain \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}{ {\advance\hsize -#1cm \input tufte \par} } \stoptext This will give you in the log file (first and second); the test run has narrow lines where one word crossed several lines, which actually is the main complication here: hyhenated > start hyphenated words hyhenated > 2 : ab-stract, hyhenated > 1 : ag-gre-gate, hyhenated > 3 : ag-gregate, hyhenated > 3 : aggre-gate, hyhenated > 1 : ap-prox-i-mate, hyhenated > 2 : ap-proximate, hyhenated > 3 : approx-imate, hyhenated > 1 : approxi-mate, hyhenated > 1 : av-er-age, hyhenated > 1 : av-erage, hyhenated > 3 : be-cause hyhenated > 1 : ca-pac-ity hyhenated > 4 : ca-pacity hyhenated > 1 : capac-ity hyhenated > 1 : cat-a-log, hyhenated > 2 : cat-alog, hyhenated > 1 : cat-e-go-rize, hyhenated > 3 : cat-egorize, hyhenated > 1 : cata-log, hyhenated > 1 : cate-gorize, hyhenated > 2 : catego-rize, hyhenated > 3 : clas-sify, hyhenated > 3 : clus-ter, hyhenated > 3 : con-dense, hyhenated > 1 : dis-crim-i-nate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-crimi-nate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-criminate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-tin-guish, hyhenated > 3 : dis-tinguish, hyhenated > 2 : discrim-inate, hyhenated > 2 : distin-guish, hyhenated > 1 : enu-mer-ate, hyhenated > 2 : enu-merate, hyhenated > 1 : enumer-ate, hyhenated > 5 : every-day hyhenated > 3 : fil-ter, hyhenated > 2 : fo-cus, hyhenated > 1 : har-mo-nize, hyhenated > 1 : har-monize, hyhenated > 2 : harmo-nize, hyhenated > 6 : high-light, hyhenated > 1 : ide-al-ize, hyhenated > 2 : ide-alize, hyhenated > 1 : ideal-ize, hyhenated > 1 : in-for-ma-tion hyhenated > 1 : in-forma-tionthick hyhenated > 1 : in-formationthick hyhenated > 3 : in-spect, hyhenated > 1 : in-te-grate, hyhenated > 2 : in-tegrate, hyhenated > 1 : informa-tionthick hyhenated > 3 : inte-grate, hyhenated > 5 : iso-late, hyhenated > 4 : item-ize, hyhenated > 3 : mar-velous hyhenated > 1 : or-ga-nize, hyhenated > 1 : orga-nize, hyhenated > 5 : out-line, hyhenated > 1 : pi-geon-hole, hyhenated > 6 : pigeon-hole, hyhenated > 3 : re-duce, hyhenated > 4 : re-fine, hyhenated > 2 : re-view, hyhenated > 4 : se-lect, hyhenated > 1 : sep-a-rate hyhenated > 1 : sepa-rate hyhenated > 3 : sin-gle hyhenated > 4 : struc-ture, hyhenated > 1 : sum-ma-rize, hyhenated > 4 : sum-marize, hyhenated > 1 : summa-rize, hyhenated > 1 : syn-op-size, hyhenated > 2 : syn-opsize, hyhenated > 1 : syn-the-size, hyhenated > 3 : syn-thesize, hyhenated > 1 : synop-size, hyhenated > 2 : synthe-size, hyhenated > 5 : win-now hyhenated > stop hyphenated words and on the console and log (second tracker) lots of pages > flushing realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2, total 0.482, page 0.011, average 0.482 open source > level 2, order 13, name 'tufte.tex' close source > level 2, order 13, name 'tufte.tex' hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: every-day hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: cat-egorize, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: dis-criminate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: pigeon-hole, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: aggre-gate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: re-view, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: enu-merate, open source > level 2, order 14, name 'tufte.tex' close source > level 2, order 14, name 'tufte.tex' hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: every-day hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: synthe-size, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: re-duce, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: catego-rize, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: inte-grate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: ap-proximate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: out-line, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: win-now if you want more you need to analyze the log file (you have to wait till i update, which will not happen today) Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

On 3/19/2021 9:49 PM, wrote:
Wow, Hans, that looks awesome. Thanks a lot.
Regarding the first output: What are the numbers intended to mean?
The number of time that this word was used hyphenated (the same word can of course end up hyphenated differently in the paragraph).
In the second example we're talking in terms of lines in the input file, right?
No, the linenumber but because I use a loop it's all the same line; in practice these numbers point you to the paragraph start which is good enough.
If so, would it make sense to add some more context? Like so, or similar:
hyhenated > around line 244 ( "our marvelous and everyday capacity to select") in file hup.tex: every-day
As said, normally you have that info (I can probably add the offset but i assume that one is not going to check every hyphenation.)
In any case, that's already super conventient. I'll put together a script to compare hyphenations with a whitelist and upload that to the wiki once it's ready.
What's the performance hit of all this? (I mean should you disable this and only run when needed, or can you safely leave the trackers enabled?)
measures on my 2013 laptop: a 1000 times \samplefile{tufte}\par takes: pagella: 1000 steps, 4.140 seconds, 0.004140215 per step 1000 steps, 4.222 seconds, 0.004221645 per step runtime: 4.937 seconds, 250 processed pages, 250 shipped pages, 50.635 pages/second latin modern: 1000 steps, 2.947 seconds, 0.002947476 per step 1000 steps, 3.043 seconds, 0.003042808 per step runtime: 3.549 seconds, 223 processed pages, 223 shipped pages, 62.840 pages/second so not really a problem and i can probaby make it a bit faster (but we need to keep up with the urban myth that context is the slower system) (it's not something i'd turn on by default)
Thanks again for your help!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Hans Hagen
Gesendet: Freitag, 19. März 2021 19:09 An: Maier, Denis Christian (UB) ; Betreff: Re: AW: [NTG-context] Keeping track of hyphenations On 3/19/2021 1:00 PM, wrote:
----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Hans Hagen
Gesendet: Freitag, 19. März 2021 12:44 An: mailing list for ConTeXt users ; Maier, Denis Christian (UB) Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] Keeping track of hyphenations On 3/19/2021 11:47 AM, wrote:
Is there a way to conveniently track hyphenations ? I've had a look at but couldn't find anything. depends on what you want to track
Something like this: Add every hyphenated word to the log file, like hyphenations > 'What-ever' , realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 hyphenations > 'Some-thing', realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2
You could then feed that into a script to produce a lists of all kinds, e.g., each hyphenation only once, sorted by page or by letter, with or without information about pages. Forget about specific pagenumbers ... pages can get broken in the middle of a paragraph and it's not worth the trouble of keeping track of / analyzing that detail (as usual all can be done but these are features that hardly anyone uses, get forgotten and probably no one can find where it's documents because no one expects it).
Anyway, a pre-weekend distaction:
\enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied] \enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied.console]
\dontcomplain \dostepwiserecurse{0}{15}{1}{ {\advance\hsize -#1cm \input tufte \par} }
This will give you in the log file (first and second); the test run has narrow lines where one word crossed several lines, which actually is the main complication here:
hyhenated > start hyphenated words
hyhenated > 2 : ab-stract, hyhenated > 1 : ag-gre-gate, hyhenated > 3 : ag-gregate, hyhenated > 3 : aggre-gate, hyhenated > 1 : ap-prox-i-mate, hyhenated > 2 : ap-proximate, hyhenated > 3 : approx-imate, hyhenated > 1 : approxi-mate, hyhenated > 1 : av-er-age, hyhenated > 1 : av-erage, hyhenated > 3 : be-cause hyhenated > 1 : ca-pac-ity hyhenated > 4 : ca-pacity hyhenated > 1 : capac-ity hyhenated > 1 : cat-a-log, hyhenated > 2 : cat-alog, hyhenated > 1 : cat-e-go-rize, hyhenated > 3 : cat-egorize, hyhenated > 1 : cata-log, hyhenated > 1 : cate-gorize, hyhenated > 2 : catego-rize, hyhenated > 3 : clas-sify, hyhenated > 3 : clus-ter, hyhenated > 3 : con-dense, hyhenated > 1 : dis-crim-i-nate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-crimi-nate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-criminate, hyhenated > 1 : dis-tin-guish, hyhenated > 3 : dis-tinguish, hyhenated > 2 : discrim-inate, hyhenated > 2 : distin-guish, hyhenated > 1 : enu-mer-ate, hyhenated > 2 : enu-merate, hyhenated > 1 : enumer-ate, hyhenated > 5 : every-day hyhenated > 3 : fil-ter, hyhenated > 2 : fo-cus, hyhenated > 1 : har-mo-nize, hyhenated > 1 : har-monize, hyhenated > 2 : harmo-nize, hyhenated > 6 : high-light, hyhenated > 1 : ide-al-ize, hyhenated > 2 : ide-alize, hyhenated > 1 : ideal-ize, hyhenated > 1 : in-for-ma-tion hyhenated > 1 : in-forma-tionthick hyhenated > 1 : in-formationthick hyhenated > 3 : in-spect, hyhenated > 1 : in-te-grate, hyhenated > 2 : in-tegrate, hyhenated > 1 : informa-tionthick hyhenated > 3 : inte-grate, hyhenated > 5 : iso-late, hyhenated > 4 : item-ize, hyhenated > 3 : mar-velous hyhenated > 1 : or-ga-nize, hyhenated > 1 : orga-nize, hyhenated > 5 : out-line, hyhenated > 1 : pi-geon-hole, hyhenated > 6 : pigeon-hole, hyhenated > 3 : re-duce, hyhenated > 4 : re-fine, hyhenated > 2 : re-view, hyhenated > 4 : se-lect, hyhenated > 1 : sep-a-rate hyhenated > 1 : sepa-rate hyhenated > 3 : sin-gle hyhenated > 4 : struc-ture, hyhenated > 1 : sum-ma-rize, hyhenated > 4 : sum-marize, hyhenated > 1 : summa-rize, hyhenated > 1 : syn-op-size, hyhenated > 2 : syn-opsize, hyhenated > 1 : syn-the-size, hyhenated > 3 : syn-thesize, hyhenated > 1 : synop-size, hyhenated > 2 : synthe-size, hyhenated > 5 : win-now
hyhenated > stop hyphenated words
and on the console and log (second tracker) lots of
pages > flushing realpage 2, userpage 2, subpage 2, total 0.482, page 0.011, average 0.482 open source > level 2, order 13, name 'tufte.tex' close source > level 2, order 13, name 'tufte.tex' hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: every-day hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: cat-egorize, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: dis-criminate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: pigeon-hole, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: aggre-gate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: re-view, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: enu-merate, open source > level 2, order 14, name 'tufte.tex' close source > level 2, order 14, name 'tufte.tex' hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: every-day hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: synthe-size, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: re-duce, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: catego-rize, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: inte-grate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: ap-proximate, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: out-line, hyhenated > around line 244 in file hup.tex: win-now
if you want more you need to analyze the log file
(you have to wait till i update, which will not happen today)
----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

On 3/19/2021 9:49 PM, wrote:
Wow, Hans, that looks awesome. Thanks a lot. This is a nice example:
\setuplayout[tight] \usebodyfont[modern] \usebodyfont[pagella] \usebodyfont[ebgaramond] \usebodyfont[dejavu] % \enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied] \enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied.visualize] % \enabletrackers[hyphenation.applied.console] \startbuffer \samplefile{tufte} \blank {\hsize 4em \dorecurse{4}{x\discretionary{aa}{bb}{cc}x #1 }} \blank \stopbuffer \starttext \switchtobodyfont[modern] \getbuffer \switchtobodyfont[pagella] \getbuffer \switchtobodyfont[ebgaramond] \getbuffer \switchtobodyfont[dejavu] \getbuffer \stoptext When tex had constructed lines, there are so called discretionary nodes left; the pre part gets appended at the end of a line, the postpart injected at the start of the next one. Officially the discretionaries stay although in mkiv/lmtx we wipe them from the lines. In the example above you see 'red' glyphs that are the used pre part, 'blue' ones that are the (seldom used) post parts and the 'green' ones are replacement texts (used when there is no cross linebreak treatment needed). Maybe this helps you wikifying it ... Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
Hans Hagen