Uncovering Slides in a Presentation with Progress Meter

I am trying to uncover content within an itemized list, and I am using \phantom to get the desired effect. However, I would like to tweak the progress meter to consider these "pages" as the same instead of separate. I am pasting a minimal example below, and I would like to know if (1) there is a more "standard" way (instead of using \phantom) of uncovering the second item in the itemized list (2) the progress meter can be modified to illustrate 3 (instead of 4) total pages AND not have the progress meter change between pages 2 and 3 (since I want to view them as the same "page") Troy Henderson -- \setuppapersize[S6][S6] \setuppagenumbering[state=stop] \setupinteraction[page=yes,menu=on,state=start] \setupsubpagenumber[state=start] \setuplayout[bottom=12pt] \startinteractionmenu[bottom] \interactionbar[alternative=f] \stopinteractionmenu \starttext First page \page \startitemize \item Foo \phantom{ \item Bar } \stopitemize \page \startitemize \item Foo \item Bar \stopitemize \page Last page \stoptext

On Thu, 26 Apr 2012, Troy Henderson wrote:
See s-pre-60.mkiv for a javascript based stepper and s-pre-61.mkiv for usage example (at the end). Paul Isambert also has a javascript based stepper in the lecturer package but that package does not work with ConTeXt MkIV. Personally, I find javascript based steppers to be unreliable as they don't work on all viewers. I either use \phantom or don't include the text at all. (I posted my stepping macros on the list a few days back). There was also an r-steps module on the wiki, but that is almost 8-10 years old, so it is unlikely that it will work without significant changes.
I don't know which counter the interaction menu uses. You can try to decrement the userpage counter (\decrement[userpage]) and see if it works. Ideally, each step should be a subpage and the userpage counter should only increment on a new slide. If you do not need the interaction part of the interaction menu, but just need a visual progress meter, you can look at my visualcounter package: http://randomdeterminism.wordpress.com/tag/visualcounter/ For an example see http://www.ece.mcgill.ca/~amahaj1/talks/gerad-2012.pdf (the theme is inspired from one of Hans's styles). Thomas and I also use different progress meters in the simpleslides module which are written in metapost. The visual-counter module is based on the code in simpleslids, but is a separate module so it can be included in other documents as well. Aditya

On 2012-04-26 Aditya Mahajan
For an example see http://www.ece.mcgill.ca/~amahaj1/talks/gerad-2012.pdf
How did you make the block diagrams? Plain MetaPost? Marco

On Sun, 29 Apr 2012, Marco wrote:
The block diagrams are made using boxes.mp macros. I tweaked drawboxes macro to define a drawrandomized macaro that draws the randomized framed. I also tweaked the draw, drawarrow, and drawdblarrow macros to draw randomized lines and arrows. Everything else is standard MP/metafun. Aditya

Hi, You can maybe use the raw steps, which are described here: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/SlideWithSteps There the idea of \phantom is used to imitate steps. Best regards: OK On 26 avr. 2012, at 17:39, Troy Henderson wrote:
participants (4)
Aditya Mahajan
Otared Kavian
Troy Henderson