Re: placement of float captions in margin

Am 01.08.24 um 16:48 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
Hi, I think this related to Gerion’s problem, but I don’t want to occupy the thread.
I’m trying to get captions in the (inner) margin.
With the setup below it works for left (even) pages; on right pages, the caption is placed beside the image, but over the text and not in the margin. (Yes, the big distance of image and caption is suboptimal, but leftfloats are worse, and the layout in question doesn’t have much space in the outer margin.)
If I uncomment %command to use \margincaption, and comment location instead, the caption is correctly inside the inner margin, but the width is always that of the left margin, i.e. too small on left pages. I didn’t find a combination of options that completely works.
I solved it with an explicit width value. Sometimes the caption just disappears. You will see it at the meeting or in the journal… Hraban
participants (1)
Henning Hraban Ramm