Hi, I need the LaTeX logo in a document set with 8.5pt but with the last beta the following message. ! LuaTeX error (arithmetic): divided by zero. \actualshipout ... \box \postponedcontent \box 0}} \else \message {[\ifarrang... \myshipout ... \fi {\thisisrealpage \realfolio #1} \gotonextrealpage \aftersh... \dofinaloutput ...agebody #1#2\setpagecounters }}} \fi \the \everyaftershipou... \finaloutput ...EAEAEA \dofinaloutput \fi \fi #1#2 \resetselectiepagina \incr... \sidefloatoutput ...e \else \finalsidefloatoutput \global \sidefloatvsize \n... <argument> ...\fi \else \the \defaultstreamoutput \fi ... l.5 \stoptext The example file is: % engine=luatex \setupbodyfont[8.5pt] \starttext \LaTeX \stoptext Wolfgang

Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
I need the LaTeX logo in a document set with 8.5pt but with the last beta the following message.
! LuaTeX error (arithmetic): divided by zero. \actualshipout ... \box \postponedcontent \box 0}} \else \message {[\ifarrang... \myshipout ... \fi {\thisisrealpage \realfolio #1} \gotonextrealpage \aftersh... \dofinaloutput ...agebody #1#2\setpagecounters }}} \fi \the \everyaftershipou... \finaloutput ...EAEAEA \dofinaloutput \fi \fi #1#2 \resetselectiepagina \incr... \sidefloatoutput ...e \else \finalsidefloatoutput \global \sidefloatvsize \n... <argument> ...\fi \else \the \defaultstreamoutput \fi .... l.5 \stoptext
The example file is:
unrelated to the logo ... any \txx does it patch font-ini.mkiv .. (i have no time now to se why the other code fails) \def\dododefinebodyfontenvironment[#1][#2][#3]% size class settings {\@@beginfontdef % \s!text goes wrong in testing because the 12pt alternative will called when typesetting the test (or so) \ifcsname\??ft#2#1\c!em\endcsname % we test for em as we assume it to be set \else \def\docommand##1% % fails: \def\checkbodyfontenvironment[#1]{! #1 ! \definebodyfontenvironment[\fontclass][#1][]} \setupbodyfont[8.5pt] % {\normalizebodyfontsize\csname\??ft\s!default##1\endcsname\dimexpr#1\relax\to\tempbodyfontsize % \letvalue{\??ft#2#1##1}\tempbodyfontsize}% {\scratchdimen\csname\??ft\s!default##1\endcsname\dimexpr#1\relax \normalizebodyfontsize\scratchdimen\to\tempbodyfontsize \letvalue{\??ft#2#1##1}\tempbodyfontsize}% \processcommacommand[\fontsizelist]\docommand \copyparameters [\??ft#2#1][\??ft\s!default] [\c!interlinespace,\c!em]% \fi \getparameters[\??ft#2#1][#3]% \@@endfontdef % new code, see remark \ifloadingfonts % only runtime \else\ifcsname\@size@#1\endcsname % only once \else % prevent loop (hence \empty) \letvalue{\@size@#1}\empty \defineunknownfont{#1}% \fi\fi % so far \setvalue{\@size@#1}{\docompletefontswitch[#1]}}
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Wolfgang Schuster