Hello All, While the \fraktur{C} command works for me in the Math mode as part of a regular expression, it does not work in the subscript. The command I am trying is $ x \sim_{\fraktur{C}} y $. I get a blank in place of the fraktur C. However, if I try just $ x \fraktur{C} y $, it works. Does anyone have a fix? I am using This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.40.5-2009061123 (Web2C 2009) ConTeXt ver: 2009.06.14 21:01 MKIV fmt: 2009.6.25 int: english/english Thank you very much.

curiouslearn wrote:
Hello All,
While the \fraktur{C} command works for me in the Math mode as part of a regular expression, it does not work in the subscript. The command I am trying is $ x \sim_{\fraktur{C}} y $. I get a blank in place of the fraktur C. However, if I try just $ x \fraktur{C} y $, it works. Does anyone have a fix?
I am using This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.40.5-2009061123 (Web2C 2009) ConTeXt ver: 2009.06.14 21:01 MKIV fmt: 2009.6.25 int: english/english
There is a bug in the mathematics.make_font commands in math-vfu.lua: They should not be using: euf[mb][689].tfm as those result in a pk bitmap font inclusion attempt. Updated version attached. Best wishes, Taco if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-vfu'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to math-ini.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- All these math vectors .. thanks to Aditya and Mojca they become -- better and better. local type, next = type, next local trace_virtual = false trackers.register("math.virtual", function(v) trace_virtual = v end) local trace_timings = false trackers.register("math.timings", function(v) trace_timings = v end) fonts.enc.math = fonts.enc.math or { } local shared = { } fonts.vf.math = fonts.vf.math or { } fonts.vf.math.optional = false local push, pop, back = { "push" }, { "pop" }, { "slot", 1, 0x2215 } local function negate(main,unicode,basecode) local characters = main.characters if not characters[unicode] then local basechar = characters[basecode] if basechar then local ht, wd = basechar.height, basechar.width characters[unicode] = { width = wd, height = ht, depth = basechar.depth, italic = basechar.italic, kerns = basechar.kerns, commands = { { "slot", 1, basecode }, push, { "down", ht/5}, { "right", - wd/2}, back, push, } } end end end --~ \Umathchardef\braceld="0 "1 "FF07A --~ \Umathchardef\bracerd="0 "1 "FF07B --~ \Umathchardef\bracelu="0 "1 "FF07C --~ \Umathchardef\braceru="0 "1 "FF07D local function brace(main,unicode,first,rule,left,right,rule,last) local characters = main.characters if not characters[unicode] then characters[unicode] = { horiz_variants = { { extender = 0, glyph = first }, { extender = 1, glyph = rule }, { extender = 0, glyph = left }, { extender = 0, glyph = right }, { extender = 1, glyph = rule }, { extender = 0, glyph = last }, } } end end local function arrow(main,unicode,arrow,minus,isleft) if isleft then t = { { extender = 0, glyph = arrow }, { extender = 1, glyph = minus }, } else t = { { extender = 0, glyph = minus }, { extender = 1, glyph = arrow }, } end --~ main.characters[unicode] = { horiz_variants = t } main.characters[unicode].horiz_variants = t end local function parent(main,unicode,first,rule,last) local characters = main.characters if not characters[unicode] then characters[unicode] = { horiz_variants = { { extender = 0, glyph = first }, { extender = 1, glyph = rule }, { extender = 0, glyph = last }, } } end end local push, pop, step = { "push" }, { "pop" }, 0.2 -- 0.1 is nicer but gives larger files local function make(main,id,size,n,m) local characters = main.characters local xu = main.parameters.x_height + 0.3*size local xd = 0.3*size local old, upslot, dnslot, uprule, dnrule = 0xFF000+n, 0xFF100+n, 0xFF200+n, 0xFF300+m, 0xFF400+m local c = characters[old] if c then local w, h, d = c.width, c.height, c.depth local thickness = h - d local rulewidth = step*size -- we could use an overlap local slot = { "slot", id, old } local rule = { "rule", thickness, rulewidth } local up = { "down", -xu } local dn = { "down", xd } local ht, dp = xu + 3*thickness, 0 if not characters[uprule] then characters[uprule] = { width = rulewidth, height = ht, depth = dp, commands = { push, up, rule, pop } } end characters[upslot] = { width = w, height = ht, depth = dp, commands = { push, up, slot, pop } } local ht, dp = 0, xd + 3*thickness if not characters[dnrule] then characters[dnrule] = { width = rulewidth, height = ht, depth = dp, commands = { push, dn, rule, pop } } end characters[dnslot] = { width = w, height = ht, depth = dp, commands = { push, dn, slot, pop } } end end local function minus(main,id,size,unicode) local characters = main.characters local mu = size/18 local minus = characters[0x002D] local width = minus.width - 5*mu characters[unicode] = { width = width, height = minus.height, depth = minus.depth, commands = { push, { "right", -3*mu }, { "slot", id, 0x002D }, pop } } end local function dots(main,id,size,unicode) local characters = main.characters local c = characters[0x002E] local w, h, d = c.width, c.height, c.depth local mu = size/18 local right3mu = { "right", 3*mu } local right1mu = { "right", 1*mu } local up1size = { "down", -.1*size } local up4size = { "down", -.4*size } local up7size = { "down", -.7*size } local right2muw = { "right", 2*mu + w } local slot = { "slot", id, 0x002E } if unicode == 0x22EF then local c = characters[0x022C5] if c then local w, h, d = c.width, c.height, c.depth local slot = { "slot", id, 0x022C5 } characters[unicode] = { width = 3*w + 2*3*mu, height = h, depth = d, commands = { push, slot, right3mu, slot, right3mu, slot, pop } } end elseif unicode == 0x22EE then -- weird height ! characters[unicode] = { width = w, height = h+(1.4)*size, depth = 0, commands = { push, push, slot, pop, up4size, push, slot, pop, up4size, slot, pop } } elseif unicode == 0x22F1 then characters[unicode] = { width = 3*w + 6*size/18, height = 1.5*size, depth = 0, commands = { push, right1mu, push, up7size, slot, pop, right2muw, push, up4size, slot, pop, right2muw, push, up1size, slot, pop, right1mu, pop } } elseif unicode == 0x22F0 then characters[unicode] = { width = 3*w + 6*size/18, height = 1.5*size, depth = 0, commands = { push, right1mu, push, up1size, slot, pop, right2muw, push, up4size, slot, pop, right2muw, push, up7size, slot, pop, right1mu, pop } } else characters[unicode] = { width = 3*w + 2*3*mu, height = h, depth = d, commands = { push, slot, right3mu, slot, right3mu, slot, pop } } end end function fonts.vf.math.alas(main,id,size) for i=0x7A,0x7D do make(main,id,size,i,1) end brace (main,0x23DE,0xFF17A,0xFF301,0xFF17D,0xFF17C,0xFF301,0xFF17B) brace (main,0x23DF,0xFF27C,0xFF401,0xFF27B,0xFF27A,0xFF401,0xFF27D) parent(main,0x23DC,0xFF17A,0xFF301,0xFF17B) parent(main,0x23DD,0xFF27C,0xFF401,0xFF27D) negate(main,0x2260,0x003D) dots(main,id,size,0x2026) -- ldots dots(main,id,size,0x22EE) -- vdots dots(main,id,size,0x22EF) -- cdots dots(main,id,size,0x22F1) -- ddots dots(main,id,size,0x22F0) -- udots minus(main,id,size,0xFF501) arrow(main,0x2190,0xFE190,0xFF501,true) -- left arrow(main,0x2192,0xFE192,0xFF501,false) -- right end local reverse -- index -> unicode function fonts.basecopy(tfmtable) local t, c, p = { }, { }, { } for k, v in next, tfmtable do t[k] = v end for k, v in next, tfmtable.characters do c[k] = v end for k, v in next, tfmtable.parameters do p[k] = v end t.characters, t.parameters = c, p return t end local reported = { } function fonts.vf.math.define(specification,set) if not reverse then reverse = { } for k, v in next, fonts.enc.math do local r = { } for u, i in next, v do r[i] = u end reverse[k] = r end end local name = specification.name -- symbolic name local size = specification.size -- given size local fnt, lst, main = { }, { }, nil local start = (trace_virtual or trace_timings) and os.clock() --~ texio.write_nl("defining font " .. name .. " " .. size) local okset, n = { }, 0 for s=1,#set do local ss = set[s] local ssname = ss.name if ss.optional and fonts.vf.math.optional then if trace_virtual then logs.report("math virtual","loading font %s subfont %s with name %s at %s is skipped",name,s,ssname,size) end else if ss.features then ssname = ssname .. "*" .. ss.features end if ss.main then main = s end local f, id = fonts.tfm.read_and_define(ssname,size) if not f then logs.report("math virtual","loading font %s subfont %s with name %s at %s is skipped, not found",name,s,ssname,size) else n = n + 1 okset[n] = ss fnt[n] = f lst[n] = { id = id, size = size } if not shared[s] then shared[n] = { } end if trace_virtual then logs.report("math virtual","loading font %s subfont %s with name %s at %s as id %s using encoding %s",name,s,ssname,size,id,ss.vector or "none") end end end end -- beware, fnt[1] is already passed to tex (we need to make a simple copy then .. todo) main = fonts.basecopy(fnt[1]) main.name, main.fonts, main.virtualized, main.math_parameters = name, lst, true, { } local characters, descriptions = main.characters, main.descriptions main.parameters.x_height = main.parameters.x_height or 0 for s=1,n do local ss, fs = okset[s], fnt[s] if not fs then -- skip, error elseif ss.optional and fonts.vf.math.optional then -- skip, redundant else local mm, fp = main.math_parameters, fs.parameters if ss.extension then mm.math_x_height = fp.x_height or 0 -- math_x_height height of x mm.default_rule_thickness = fp[ 8] or 0 -- default_rule_thickness thickness of \over bars mm.big_op_spacing1 = fp[ 9] or 0 -- big_op_spacing1 minimum clearance above a displayed op mm.big_op_spacing2 = fp[10] or 0 -- big_op_spacing2 minimum clearance below a displayed op mm.big_op_spacing3 = fp[11] or 0 -- big_op_spacing3 minimum baselineskip above displayed op mm.big_op_spacing4 = fp[12] or 0 -- big_op_spacing4 minimum baselineskip below displayed op mm.big_op_spacing5 = fp[13] or 0 -- big_op_spacing5 padding above and below displayed limits -- logs.report("math virtual","loading and virtualizing font %s at size %s, setting ex parameters",name,size) elseif ss.parameters then main.parameters.x_height = fp.x_height or main.parameters.x_height mm.x_height = mm.x_height or fp.x_height or 0 -- x_height height of x mm.num1 = fp[ 8] or 0 -- num1 numerator shift-up in display styles mm.num2 = fp[ 9] or 0 -- num2 numerator shift-up in non-display, non-\atop mm.num3 = fp[10] or 0 -- num3 numerator shift-up in non-display \atop mm.denom1 = fp[11] or 0 -- denom1 denominator shift-down in display styles mm.denom2 = fp[12] or 0 -- denom2 denominator shift-down in non-display styles mm.sup1 = fp[13] or 0 -- sup1 superscript shift-up in uncramped display style mm.sup2 = fp[14] or 0 -- sup2 superscript shift-up in uncramped non-display mm.sup3 = fp[15] or 0 -- sup3 superscript shift-up in cramped styles mm.sub1 = fp[16] or 0 -- sub1 subscript shift-down if superscript is absent mm.sub2 = fp[17] or 0 -- sub2 subscript shift-down if superscript is present mm.sup_drop = fp[18] or 0 -- sup_drop superscript baseline below top of large box mm.sub_drop = fp[19] or 0 -- sub_drop subscript baseline below bottom of large box mm.delim1 = fp[20] or 0 -- delim1 size of \atopwithdelims delimiters in display styles mm.delim2 = fp[21] or 0 -- delim2 size of \atopwithdelims delimiters in non-displays mm.axis_height = fp[22] or 0 -- axis_height height of fraction lines above the baseline -- logs.report("math virtual","loading and virtualizing font %s at size %s, setting sy parameters",name,size) end local vectorname = ss.vector if vectorname then local offset = 0xFF000 local vector = fonts.enc.math[vectorname] local rotcev = reverse[vectorname] if vector then local fc, fd, si = fs.characters, fs.descriptions, shared[s] local skewchar = ss.skewchar for unicode, index in next, vector do local fci = fc[index] if not fci then local fontname = fs.name local rf = reported[fontname] if not rf then rf = { } reported[fontname] = rf end local rv = rf[vectorname] if not rv then rv = { } rf[vectorname] = rv end local ru = rv[unicode] if not ru then logs.report("math virtual", "unicode point U+%05X has no index %04X in vector %s for font %s",unicode,index,vectorname,fontname) rv[unicode] = true end else local ref = si[index] if not ref then ref = { { 'slot', s, index } } si[index] = ref end local kerns = fci.kerns if kerns then local width = fci.width local krn = { } for k=1,#kerns do local rk = rotcev[k] if rk then krn[rk] = kerns[k] end end if not next(krn) then krn = nil end local t = { width = width, height = fci.height, depth = fci.depth, italic = fci.italic, kerns = krn, commands = ref, } if skewchar and kerns then local k = kerns[skewchar] if k then t.top_accent = width/2 + k end end characters[unicode] = t else characters[unicode] = { width = fci.width, height = fci.height, depth = fci.depth, italic = fci.italic, commands = ref, } end end end if ss.extension then -- todo: if multiple ex, then 256 offsets per instance local extension = fonts.enc.math["large-to-small"] local variants_done = fs.variants_done for index, fci in next, fc do -- the raw ex file if type(index) == "number" then local ref = si[index] if not ref then ref = { { 'slot', s, index } } si[index] = ref end local t = { width = fci.width, height = fci.height, depth = fci.depth, italic = fci.italic, commands = ref, } local n = fci.next if n then t.next = offset + n elseif variants_done then local vv = fci.vert_variants if vv then t.vert_variants = vv end local hv = fci.horiz_variants if hv then t.horiz_variants = hv end else local vv = fci.vert_variants if vv then for i=1,#vv do local vvi = vv[i] vvi.glyph = vvi.glyph + offset end t.vert_variants = vv end local hv = fci.horiz_variants if hv then for i=1,#hv do local hvi = hv[i] hvi.glyph = hvi.glyph + offset end t.horiz_variants = hv end end characters[offset + index] = t end end fs.variants_done = true for unicode, index in next, extension do local cu = characters[unicode] if cu then cu.next = offset + index --~ local n, c, d = unicode, cu, { } --~ print("START", unicode) --~ while n do --~ n = c.next --~ if n then --~ print("NEXT", n) --~ c = characters[n] --~ if not c then --~ print("EXIT") --~ elseif d[n] then --~ print("LOOP") --~ break --~ end --~ d[n] = true --~ end --~ end else local fci = fc[index] local ref = si[index] if not ref then ref = { { 'slot', s, index } } si[index] = ref end local kerns = fci.kerns if kerns then local krn = { } for k=1,#kerns do krn[offset + k] = kerns[k] end characters[unicode] = { width = fci.width, height = fci.height, depth = fci.depth, italic = fci.italic, commands = ref, kerns = krn, next = offset + index, } else characters[unicode] = { width = fci.width, height = fci.height, depth = fci.depth, italic = fci.italic, commands = ref, next = offset + index, } end end end end end end mathematics.extras.copy(main) --not needed here (yet) end end lst[#lst+1] = { id = font.nextid(), size = size } fonts.vf.math.alas(main,#lst,size) if trace_virtual or trace_timings then logs.report("math virtual","loading and virtualizing font %s at size %s took %0.3f seconds",name,size,os.clock()-start) end main.has_italic = true main.type = "virtual" -- not needed mathematics.scaleparameters(main,main,1) return main end function mathematics.make_font(name, set) fonts.define.methods[name] = function(specification) return fonts.vf.math.define(specification,set) end end -- varphi is part of the alphabet, contrary to the other var*s' fonts.enc.math["large-to-small"] = { [0x00028] = 0x00, -- ( [0x00029] = 0x01, -- ) [0x0005B] = 0x02, -- [ [0x0005D] = 0x03, -- ] [0x0230A] = 0x04, -- lfloor [0x0230B] = 0x05, -- rfloor [0x02308] = 0x06, -- lceil [0x02309] = 0x07, -- rceil [0x0007B] = 0x08, -- { [0x0007D] = 0x09, -- } [0x027E8] = 0x0A, -- < [0x027E9] = 0x0B, -- > [0x0007C] = 0x0C, -- | --~ [0x0] = 0x0D, -- lVert rVert Vert -- [0x0002F] = 0x0E, -- / [0x0005C] = 0x0F, -- \ --~ [0x0] = 0x3A, -- lgroup --~ [0x0] = 0x3B, -- rgroup --~ [0x0] = 0x3C, -- arrowvert --~ [0x0] = 0x3D, -- Arrowvert [0x02195] = 0x3F, -- updownarrow --~ [0x0] = 0x40, -- lmoustache --~ [0x0] = 0x41, -- rmoustache [0x0221A] = 0x70, -- sqrt [0x021D5] = 0x77, -- Updownarrow [0x02191] = 0x78, -- uparrow [0x02193] = 0x79, -- downarrow [0x021D1] = 0x7E, -- Uparrow [0x021D3] = 0x7F, -- Downarrow [0x0220F] = 0x59, -- prod [0x02210] = 0x61, -- coprod [0x02211] = 0x58, -- sum [0x0222B] = 0x5A, -- intop [0x0222E] = 0x49, -- ointop [0xFE302] = 0x62, -- widehat [0xFE303] = 0x65, -- widetilde [0x022C0] = 0x5E, -- bigwedge [0x022C1] = 0x5F, -- bigvee [0x022C2] = 0x5C, -- bigcap [0x022C3] = 0x5B, -- bigcup [0x02044] = 0x0E, -- / } fonts.enc.math["tex-ex"] = { [0x0220F] = 0x51, -- prod [0x0222B] = 0x52, -- intop [0x02210] = 0x60, -- coprod [0x02211] = 0x50, -- sum [0x022C0] = 0x56, -- bigwedge [0x022C1] = 0x57, -- bigvee [0x022C2] = 0x54, -- bigcap [0x022C3] = 0x53, -- bigcup [0x02A04] = 0x55, -- biguplus [0x02A02] = 0x4E, -- bigotimes [0x02A01] = 0x4C, -- bigoplus [0x02A03] = 0x4A, -- bigodot [0x0222E] = 0x48, -- ointop [0x02A06] = 0x46, -- bigsqcup } -- only math stuff is needed, since we always use an lm or gyre -- font as main font fonts.enc.math["tex-mr"] = { [0x00393] = 0x00, -- Gamma [0x00394] = 0x01, -- Delta [0x00398] = 0x02, -- Theta [0x0039B] = 0x03, -- Lambda [0x0039E] = 0x04, -- Xi [0x003A0] = 0x05, -- Pi [0x003A3] = 0x06, -- Sigma [0x003A5] = 0x07, -- Upsilon [0x003A6] = 0x08, -- Phi [0x003A8] = 0x09, -- Psi [0x003A9] = 0x0A, -- Omega -- [0x00060] = 0x12, -- [math]grave -- [0x000B4] = 0x13, -- [math]acute -- [0x002C7] = 0x14, -- [math]check -- [0x002D8] = 0x15, -- [math]breve -- [0x000AF] = 0x16, -- [math]bar -- [0x00021] = 0x21, -- ! -- [0x00028] = 0x28, -- ( -- [0x00029] = 0x29, -- ) -- [0x0002B] = 0x2B, -- + -- [0x0002F] = 0x2F, -- / -- [0x0003A] = 0x3A, -- : -- [0x02236] = 0x3A, -- colon -- [0x0003B] = 0x3B, -- ; -- [0x0003C] = 0x3C, -- < -- [0x0003D] = 0x3D, -- = -- [0x0003E] = 0x3E, -- > -- [0x0003F] = 0x3F, -- ? [0x00391] = 0x41, -- Alpha [0x00392] = 0x42, -- Beta [0x02145] = 0x44, [0x00395] = 0x45, -- Epsilon [0x00397] = 0x48, -- Eta [0x00399] = 0x49, -- Iota [0x0039A] = 0x4B, -- Kappa [0x0039C] = 0x4D, -- Mu [0x0039D] = 0x4E, -- Nu [0x0039F] = 0x4F, -- Omicron [0x003A1] = 0x52, -- Rho [0x003A4] = 0x54, -- Tau [0x003A7] = 0x58, -- Chi [0x00396] = 0x5A, -- Zeta -- [0x0005B] = 0x5B, -- [ -- [0x0005D] = 0x5D, -- ] -- [0x0005E] = 0x5E, -- [math]hat -- the text one [0x00302] = 0x5E, -- [math]hat -- the real math one -- [0x002D9] = 0x5F, -- [math]dot [0x02146] = 0x64, [0x02147] = 0x65, -- [0x002DC] = 0x7E, -- [math]tilde -- the text one [0x00303] = 0x7E, -- [math]tilde -- the real one -- [0x000A8] = 0x7F, -- [math]ddot } fonts.enc.math["tex-mi"] = { [0x1D6E4] = 0x00, -- Gamma [0x1D6E5] = 0x01, -- Delta [0x1D6E9] = 0x02, -- Theta [0x1D6F3] = 0x02, -- varTheta (not present in TeX) [0x1D6EC] = 0x03, -- Lambda [0x1D6EF] = 0x04, -- Xi [0x1D6F1] = 0x05, -- Pi [0x1D6F4] = 0x06, -- Sigma [0x1D6F6] = 0x07, -- Upsilon [0x1D6F7] = 0x08, -- Phi [0x1D6F9] = 0x09, -- Psi [0x1D6FA] = 0x0A, -- Omega [0x1D6FC] = 0x0B, -- alpha [0x1D6FD] = 0x0C, -- beta [0x1D6FE] = 0x0D, -- gamma [0x1D6FF] = 0x0E, -- delta [0x1D716] = 0x0F, -- epsilon TODO: 1D716 [0x1D701] = 0x10, -- zeta [0x1D702] = 0x11, -- eta [0x1D703] = 0x12, -- theta TODO: 1D703 [0x1D704] = 0x13, -- iota [0x1D705] = 0x14, -- kappa [0x1D718] = 0x14, -- varkappa, not in tex fonts [0x1D706] = 0x15, -- lambda [0x1D707] = 0x16, -- mu [0x1D708] = 0x17, -- nu [0x1D709] = 0x18, -- xi [0x1D70B] = 0x19, -- pi [0x1D70C] = 0x1A, -- rho [0x1D70E] = 0x1B, -- sigma [0x1D70F] = 0x1C, -- tau [0x1D710] = 0x1D, -- upsilon [0x1D719] = 0x1E, -- phi [0x1D712] = 0x1F, -- chi [0x1D713] = 0x20, -- psi [0x1D714] = 0x21, -- omega [0x1D700] = 0x22, -- varepsilon (the other way around) [0x1D717] = 0x23, -- vartheta [0x1D71B] = 0x24, -- varpi [0x1D71A] = 0x25, -- varrho [0x1D70D] = 0x26, -- varsigma [0x1D711] = 0x27, -- varphi (the other way around) [0x021BC] = 0x28, -- leftharpoonup [0x021BD] = 0x29, -- leftharpoondown [0x021C0] = 0x2A, -- righttharpoonup [0x021C1] = 0x2B, -- rightharpoondown -- 0x2C, -- lhook (hook for combining arrows) -- 0x2D, -- rhook (hook for combining arrows) [0x022B3] = 0x2E, -- triangleright (TODO: which one is right?) [0x022B2] = 0x2F, -- triangleleft (TODO: which one is right?) -- [0x00041] = 0x30, -- 0 -- [0x00041] = 0x31, -- 1 -- [0x00041] = 0x32, -- 2 -- [0x00041] = 0x33, -- 3 -- [0x00041] = 0x34, -- 4 -- [0x00041] = 0x35, -- 5 -- [0x00041] = 0x36, -- 6 -- [0x00041] = 0x37, -- 7 -- [0x00041] = 0x38, -- 8 -- [0x00041] = 0x39, -- 9 --~ [0x0002E] = 0x3A, -- . [0x0002C] = 0x3B, -- , [0x0003C] = 0x3C, -- < -- [0x0002F] = 0x3D, -- /, slash, solidus [0x02044] = 0x3D, -- / AM: Not sure [0x0003E] = 0x3E, -- > [0x022C6] = 0x3F, -- star [0x02202] = 0x40, -- partial -- [0x00041] = 0x41, -- A [0x1D6E2] = 0x41, -- Alpha -- [0x00042] = 0x42, -- B [0x1D6E3] = 0x42, -- Beta -- [0x00043] = 0x43, -- C -- [0x00044] = 0x44, -- D -- [0x00045] = 0x45, -- E [0x1D6E6] = 0x45, -- Epsilon -- [0x00046] = 0x46, -- F -- [0x00047] = 0x47, -- G -- [0x00048] = 0x48, -- H [0x1D6E8] = 0x48, -- Eta -- [0x00049] = 0x49, -- I [0x1D6EA] = 0x49, -- Iota -- [0x0004A] = 0x4A, -- J -- [0x0004B] = 0x4B, -- K [0x1D6EB] = 0x4B, -- Kappa -- [0x0004C] = 0x4C, -- L -- [0x0004D] = 0x4D, -- M [0x1D6ED] = 0x4D, -- Mu -- [0x0004E] = 0x4E, -- N [0x1D6EE] = 0x4E, -- Nu -- [0x0004F] = 0x4F, -- O [0x1D6F0] = 0x4F, -- Omicron -- [0x00050] = 0x50, -- P [0x1D6F2] = 0x50, -- Rho -- [0x00051] = 0x51, -- Q -- [0x00052] = 0x52, -- R -- [0x00053] = 0x53, -- S -- [0x00054] = 0x54, -- T [0x1D6F5] = 0x54, -- Tau -- [0x00055] = 0x55, -- U -- [0x00056] = 0x56, -- V -- [0x00057] = 0x57, -- W -- [0x00058] = 0x58, -- X [0x1D6F8] = 0x58, -- Chi -- [0x00059] = 0x59, -- Y -- [0x0005A] = 0x5A, -- Z [0x1D6E7] = 0x5A, -- Zeta [0x0266D] = 0x5B, -- flat [0x0266E] = 0x5C, -- natural [0x0266F] = 0x5D, -- sharp [0x02323] = 0x5E, -- smile [0x02322] = 0x5F, -- frown [0x02113] = 0x60, -- ell -- [0x00061] = 0x61, -- a -- [0x00062] = 0x62, -- b -- [0x00063] = 0x63, -- c -- [0x00064] = 0x64, -- d -- [0x00065] = 0x65, -- e -- [0x00066] = 0x66, -- f -- [0x00067] = 0x67, -- g -- [0x00068] = 0x68, -- h [0x0210E] = 0x68, -- plant constant -- [0x00069] = 0x69, -- i -- [0x0006A] = 0x6A, -- j -- [0x0006B] = 0x6B, -- k -- [0x0006C] = 0x6C, -- l -- [0x0006D] = 0x6D, -- m -- [0x0006E] = 0x6E, -- n -- [0x0006F] = 0x6F, -- o [0x1D70A] = 0x6F, -- omicron -- [0x00070] = 0x70, -- p -- [0x00071] = 0x71, -- q -- [0x00072] = 0x72, -- r -- [0x00073] = 0x73, -- s -- [0x00074] = 0x74, -- t -- [0x00075] = 0x75, -- u -- [0x00076] = 0x76, -- v -- [0x00077] = 0x77, -- w -- [0x00078] = 0x78, -- x -- [0x00079] = 0x79, -- y -- [0x0007A] = 0x7A, -- z [0x1D6A4] = 0x7B, -- imath (TODO: also 0131) [0x1D6A5] = 0x7C, -- jmath (TODO: also 0237) [0x02118] = 0x7D, -- wp [0x020D7] = 0x7E, -- vec (TODO: not sure) -- 0x7F, -- (no idea what that could be) } fonts.enc.math["tex-ss"] = { } fonts.enc.math["tex-tt"] = { } fonts.enc.math["tex-bf"] = { } fonts.enc.math["tex-bi"] = { } fonts.enc.math["tex-fraktur"] = { } fonts.enc.math["tex-fraktur-bold"] = { } function fonts.vf.math.set_letters(font_encoding, name, uppercase, lowercase) local enc = font_encoding[name] for i = 0,25 do enc[uppercase+i] = i + 0x41 enc[lowercase+i] = i + 0x61 end end function fonts.vf.math.set_digits(font_encoding, name, digits) local enc = font_encoding[name] for i = 0,9 do enc[digits+i] = i + 0x30 end end fonts.enc.math["tex-sy"] = { [0x0002D] = 0x00, -- - [0x02212] = 0x00, -- - -- [0x02201] = 0x00, -- complement -- [0x02206] = 0x00, -- increment -- [0x02204] = 0x00, -- not exists --~ [0x000B7] = 0x01, -- cdot [0x022C5] = 0x01, -- cdot [0x000D7] = 0x02, -- times [0x0002A] = 0x03, -- * [0x02217] = 0x03, -- * [0x000F7] = 0x04, -- div [0x022C4] = 0x05, -- diamond [0x000B1] = 0x06, -- pm [0x02213] = 0x07, -- mp [0x02295] = 0x08, -- oplus [0x02296] = 0x09, -- ominus [0x02297] = 0x0A, -- otimes [0x02298] = 0x0B, -- oslash [0x02299] = 0x0C, -- odot [0x025EF] = 0x0D, -- bigcirc, Orb (either 25EF or 25CB) -- todo [0x02218] = 0x0E, -- circ [0x02219] = 0x0F, -- bullet [0x02022] = 0x0F, -- bullet [0x0224D] = 0x10, -- asymp [0x02261] = 0x11, -- equiv [0x02286] = 0x12, -- subseteq [0x02287] = 0x13, -- supseteq [0x02264] = 0x14, -- leq [0x02265] = 0x15, -- geq [0x02AAF] = 0x16, -- preceq -- [0x0227C] = 0x16, -- preceq, AM:No see 2AAF [0x02AB0] = 0x17, -- succeq -- [0x0227D] = 0x17, -- succeq, AM:No see 2AB0 [0x0223C] = 0x18, -- sim [0x02248] = 0x19, -- approx [0x02282] = 0x1A, -- subset [0x02283] = 0x1B, -- supset [0x0226A] = 0x1C, -- ll [0x0226B] = 0x1D, -- gg [0x0227A] = 0x1E, -- prec [0x0227B] = 0x1F, -- succ [0x02190] = 0x20, -- leftarrow [0x02192] = 0x21, -- rightarrow --~ [0xFE190] = 0x20, -- leftarrow --~ [0xFE192] = 0x21, -- rightarrow [0x02191] = 0x22, -- uparrow [0x02193] = 0x23, -- downarrow [0x02194] = 0x24, -- leftrightarrow [0x02197] = 0x25, -- nearrow [0x02198] = 0x26, -- searrow [0x02243] = 0x27, -- simeq [0x021D0] = 0x28, -- Leftarrow [0x021D2] = 0x29, -- Rightarrow [0x021D1] = 0x2A, -- Uparrow [0x021D3] = 0x2B, -- Downarrow [0x021D4] = 0x2C, -- Leftrightarrow [0x02196] = 0x2D, -- nwarrow [0x02199] = 0x2E, -- swarrow [0x0221D] = 0x2F, -- propto [0x02032] = 0x30, -- prime [0x0221E] = 0x31, -- infty [0x02208] = 0x32, -- in [0x0220B] = 0x33, -- ni [0x025B3] = 0x34, -- triangle, bigtriangleup [0x025BD] = 0x35, -- bigtriangledown [0x00338] = 0x36, -- not -- 0x37, -- (beginning of arrow) [0x02200] = 0x38, -- forall [0x02203] = 0x39, -- exists [0x000AC] = 0x3A, -- neg, lnot [0x02205] = 0x3B, -- empty set [0x0211C] = 0x3C, -- Re [0x02111] = 0x3D, -- Im [0x022A4] = 0x3E, -- top [0x022A5] = 0x3F, -- bot, perp [0x02135] = 0x40, -- aleph [0x1D49C] = 0x41, -- script A [0x0212C] = 0x42, -- script B [0x1D49E] = 0x43, -- script C [0x1D49F] = 0x44, -- script D [0x02130] = 0x45, -- script E [0x02131] = 0x46, -- script F [0x1D4A2] = 0x47, -- script G [0x0210B] = 0x48, -- script H [0x02110] = 0x49, -- script I [0x1D4A5] = 0x4A, -- script J [0x1D4A6] = 0x4B, -- script K [0x02112] = 0x4C, -- script L [0x02133] = 0x4D, -- script M [0x1D4A9] = 0x4E, -- script N [0x1D4AA] = 0x4F, -- script O [0x1D4AB] = 0x50, -- script P [0x1D4AC] = 0x51, -- script Q [0x0211B] = 0x52, -- script R [0x1D4AE] = 0x53, -- script S [0x1D4AF] = 0x54, -- script T [0x1D4B0] = 0x55, -- script U [0x1D4B1] = 0x56, -- script V [0x1D4B2] = 0x57, -- script W [0x1D4B3] = 0x58, -- script X [0x1D4B4] = 0x59, -- script Y [0x1D4B5] = 0x5A, -- script Z [0x0222A] = 0x5B, -- cup [0x02229] = 0x5C, -- cap [0x0228E] = 0x5D, -- uplus [0x02227] = 0x5E, -- wedge, land [0x02228] = 0x5F, -- vee, lor [0x022A2] = 0x60, -- vdash [0x022A3] = 0x61, -- dashv [0x0230A] = 0x62, -- lfloor [0x0230B] = 0x63, -- rfloor [0x02308] = 0x64, -- lceil [0x02309] = 0x65, -- rceil [0x0007B] = 0x66, -- {, lbrace [0x0007D] = 0x67, -- }, rbrace [0x027E8] = 0x68, -- <, langle [0x027E9] = 0x69, -- >, rangle [0x0007C] = 0x6A, -- |, mid, lvert, rvert [0x02225] = 0x6B, -- parallel, Vert, lVert, rVert, arrowvert [0x02195] = 0x6C, -- updownarrow [0x021D5] = 0x6D, -- Updownarrow [0x0005C] = 0x6E, -- \, backslash, setminus [0x02216] = 0x6E, -- setminus [0x02240] = 0x6F, -- wr [0x0221A] = 0x70, -- sqrt. AM: Check surd?? [0x02A3F] = 0x71, -- amalg [0x1D6FB] = 0x72, -- nabla -- [0x0222B] = 0x73, -- smallint (TODO: what about intop?) [0x02294] = 0x74, -- sqcup [0x02293] = 0x75, -- sqcap [0x02291] = 0x76, -- sqsubseteq [0x02292] = 0x77, -- sqsupseteq [0x000A7] = 0x78, -- S [0x02020] = 0x79, -- dagger, dag [0x02021] = 0x7A, -- ddagger, ddag [0x000B6] = 0x7B, -- P [0x02663] = 0x7C, -- clubsuit [0x02662] = 0x7D, -- diamondsuit [0x02661] = 0x7E, -- heartsuit [0x02660] = 0x7F, -- spadesuit [0xFE321] = 0x37, -- mapstochar } -- The names in masm10.enc can be trusted best and are shown in the first -- column, while in the second column we show the tex/ams names. As usual -- it costs hours to figure out such a table. fonts.enc.math["tex-ma"] = { [0x022A1] = 0x00, -- squaredot \boxdot [0x0229E] = 0x01, -- squareplus \boxplus [0x022A0] = 0x02, -- squaremultiply \boxtimes [0x025A1] = 0x03, -- square \square \Box [0x025A0] = 0x04, -- squaresolid \blacksquare [0x000B7] = 0x05, -- squaresmallsolid \centerdot [0x022C4] = 0x06, -- diamond \Diamond \lozenge [0x029EB] = 0x07, -- diamondsolid \blacklozenge [0x021BA] = 0x08, -- clockwise \circlearrowright [0x021BB] = 0x09, -- anticlockwise \circlearrowleft [0x021CC] = 0x0A, -- harpoonleftright \rightleftharpoons [0x021CB] = 0x0B, -- harpoonrightleft \leftrightharpoons [0x0229F] = 0x0C, -- squareminus \boxminus [0x022A9] = 0x0D, -- forces \Vdash [0x022AA] = 0x0E, -- forcesbar \Vvdash [0x022A8] = 0x0F, -- satisfies \vDash [0x021A0] = 0x10, -- dblarrowheadright \twoheadrightarrow [0x0219E] = 0x11, -- dblarrowheadleft \twoheadleftarrow [0x021C7] = 0x12, -- dblarrowleft \leftleftarrows [0x021C9] = 0x13, -- dblarrowright \rightrightarrows [0x021C8] = 0x14, -- dblarrowup \upuparrows [0x021CA] = 0x15, -- dblarrowdwn \downdownarrows [0x021BE] = 0x16, -- harpoonupright \upharpoonright \restriction [0x021C2] = 0x17, -- harpoondownright \downharpoonright [0x021BF] = 0x18, -- harpoonupleft \upharpoonleft [0x021C3] = 0x19, -- harpoondownleft \downharpoonleft [0x021A3] = 0x1A, -- arrowtailright \rightarrowtail [0x021A2] = 0x1B, -- arrowtailleft \leftarrowtail [0x021C6] = 0x1C, -- arrowparrleftright \leftrightarrows -- [0x021C5] = 0x00, -- \updownarrows (missing in lm) [0x021C4] = 0x1D, -- arrowparrrightleft \rightleftarrows [0x021B0] = 0x1E, -- shiftleft \Lsh [0x021B1] = 0x1F, -- shiftright \Rsh [0x021DD] = 0x20, -- squiggleright \leadsto \rightsquigarrow [0x021AD] = 0x21, -- squiggleleftright \leftrightsquigarrow [0x021AB] = 0x22, -- curlyleft \looparrowleft [0x021AC] = 0x23, -- curlyright \looparrowright [0x02257] = 0x24, -- circleequal \circeq [0x0227F] = 0x25, -- followsorequal \succsim [0x02273] = 0x26, -- greaterorsimilar \gtrsim [0x02A86] = 0x27, -- greaterorapproxeql \gtrapprox [0x022B8] = 0x28, -- multimap \multimap [0x02234] = 0x29, -- therefore \therefore [0x02235] = 0x2A, -- because \because [0x02251] = 0x2B, -- equalsdots \Doteq \doteqdot [0x0225C] = 0x2C, -- defines \triangleq [0x0227E] = 0x2D, -- precedesorequal \precsim [0x02272] = 0x2E, -- lessorsimilar \lesssim [0x02A85] = 0x2F, -- lessorapproxeql \lessapprox [0x02A95] = 0x30, -- equalorless \eqslantless [0x02A96] = 0x31, -- equalorgreater \eqslantgtr [0x022DE] = 0x32, -- equalorprecedes \curlyeqprec [0x022DF] = 0x33, -- equalorfollows \curlyeqsucc [0x0227C] = 0x34, -- precedesorcurly \preccurlyeq [0x02266] = 0x35, -- lessdblequal \leqq [0x02A7D] = 0x36, -- lessorequalslant \leqslant [0x02276] = 0x37, -- lessorgreater \lessgtr [0x02035] = 0x38, -- primereverse \backprime -- [0x0] = 0x39, -- axisshort \dabar [0x02253] = 0x3A, -- equaldotrightleft \risingdotseq [0x02252] = 0x3B, -- equaldotleftright \fallingdotseq [0x0227D] = 0x3C, -- followsorcurly \succcurlyeq [0x02267] = 0x3D, -- greaterdblequal \geqq [0x02A7E] = 0x3E, -- greaterorequalslant \geqslant [0x02277] = 0x3F, -- greaterorless \gtrless [0x0228F] = 0x40, -- squareimage \sqsubset [0x02290] = 0x41, -- squareoriginal \sqsupset -- wrong: [0x022B3] = 0x42, -- triangleright \rhd \vartriangleright [0x022B2] = 0x43, -- triangleleft \lhd \vartriangleleft [0x022B5] = 0x44, -- trianglerightequal \unrhd \trianglerighteq [0x022B4] = 0x45, -- triangleleftequal \unlhd \trianglelefteq -- [0x02605] = 0x46, -- star \bigstar [0x0226C] = 0x47, -- between \between [0x025BC] = 0x48, -- triangledownsld \blacktriangledown [0x025B6] = 0x49, -- trianglerightsld \blacktriangleright [0x025C0] = 0x4A, -- triangleleftsld \blacktriangleleft -- [0x0] = 0x4B, -- arrowaxisright -- [0x0] = 0x4C, -- arrowaxisleft [0x025B2] = 0x4D, -- triangle \triangleup \vartriangle [0x025B2] = 0x4E, -- trianglesolid \blacktriangle [0x025BC] = 0x4F, -- triangleinv \triangledown [0x02256] = 0x50, -- ringinequal \eqcirc [0x022DA] = 0x51, -- lessequalgreater \lesseqgtr [0x022DB] = 0x52, -- greaterlessequal \gtreqless [0x02A8B] = 0x53, -- lessdbleqlgreater \lesseqqgtr [0x02A8C] = 0x54, -- greaterdbleqlless \gtreqqless [0x000A5] = 0x55, -- Yen \yen [0x021DB] = 0x56, -- arrowtripleright \Rrightarrow [0x021DA] = 0x57, -- arrowtripleleft \Lleftarrow [0x02713] = 0x58, -- check \checkmark [0x022BB] = 0x59, -- orunderscore \veebar [0x022BC] = 0x5A, -- nand \barwedge [0x02306] = 0x5B, -- perpcorrespond \doublebarwedge [0x02220] = 0x5C, -- angle \angle [0x02221] = 0x5D, -- measuredangle \measuredangle [0x02222] = 0x5E, -- sphericalangle \sphericalangle -- [0x0] = 0x5F, -- proportional \varpropto -- [0x0] = 0x60, -- smile \smallsmile -- [0x0] = 0x61, -- frown \smallfrown [0x022D0] = 0x62, -- subsetdbl \Subset [0x022D1] = 0x63, -- supersetdbl \Supset [0x022D3] = 0x64, -- uniondbl \doublecup \Cup [0x00100] = 0x65, -- intersectiondbl \doublecap \Cap [0x022CF] = 0x66, -- uprise \curlywedge [0x022CE] = 0x67, -- downfall \curlyvee [0x022CB] = 0x68, -- multiopenleft \leftthreetimes [0x022CC] = 0x69, -- multiopenright \rightthreetimes [0x02AC5] = 0x6A, -- subsetdblequal \subseteqq [0x02AC6] = 0x6B, -- supersetdblequal \supseteqq [0x0224F] = 0x6C, -- difference \bumpeq [0x0224E] = 0x6D, -- geomequivalent \Bumpeq [0x022D8] = 0x6E, -- muchless \lll \llless [0x022D9] = 0x6F, -- muchgreater \ggg \gggtr [0x0231C] = 0x70, -- rightanglenw \ulcorner [0x0231D] = 0x71, -- rightanglene \urcorner [0x024C7] = 0x72, -- circleR \circledR [0x024C8] = 0x73, -- circleS \circledS [0x022D4] = 0x74, -- fork \pitchfork [0x02245] = 0x75, -- dotplus \dotplus [0x0223D] = 0x76, -- revsimilar \backsim [0x022CD] = 0x77, -- revasymptequal \backsimeq -- AM: Check this! I mapped it to simeq. [0x0231E] = 0x78, -- rightanglesw \llcorner [0x0231F] = 0x79, -- rightanglese \lrcorner [0x02720] = 0x7A, -- maltesecross \maltese [0x02201] = 0x7B, -- complement \complement [0x022BA] = 0x7C, -- intercal \intercal [0x0229A] = 0x7D, -- circlering \circledcirc [0x0229B] = 0x7E, -- circleasterisk \circledast [0x0229D] = 0x7F, -- circleminus \circleddash } fonts.enc.math["tex-mb"] = { -- [0x0] = 0x00, -- lessornotequal \lvertneqq -- [0x0] = 0x01, -- greaterornotequal \gvertneqq [0x02270] = 0x02, -- notlessequal \nleq [0x02271] = 0x03, -- notgreaterequal \ngeq [0x0226E] = 0x04, -- notless \nless [0x0226F] = 0x05, -- notgreater \ngtr [0x02280] = 0x06, -- notprecedes \nprec [0x02281] = 0x07, -- notfollows \nsucc [0x02268] = 0x08, -- lessornotdbleql \lneqq [0x02269] = 0x09, -- greaterornotdbleql \gneqq -- [0x0] = 0x0A, -- notlessorslnteql \nleqslant -- [0x0] = 0x0B, -- notgreaterorslnteql \ngeqslant [0x02A87] = 0x0C, -- lessnotequal \lneq [0x02A88] = 0x0D, -- greaternotequal \gneq -- [0x0] = 0x0E, -- notprecedesoreql \npreceq -- [0x0] = 0x0F, -- notfollowsoreql \nsucceq [0x022E8] = 0x10, -- precedeornoteqvlnt \precnsim [0x022E9] = 0x11, -- followornoteqvlnt \succnsim [0x022E6] = 0x12, -- lessornotsimilar \lnsim [0x022E7] = 0x13, -- greaterornotsimilar \gnsim -- [0x0] = 0x14, -- notlessdblequal \nleqq -- [0x0] = 0x15, -- notgreaterdblequal \ngeqq [0x02AB5] = 0x16, -- precedenotslnteql \precneqq [0x02AB6] = 0x17, -- follownotslnteql \succneqq [0x02AB9] = 0x18, -- precedenotdbleqv \precnapprox [0x02ABA] = 0x19, -- follownotdbleqv \succnapprox [0x02A89] = 0x1A, -- lessnotdblequal \lnapprox [0x02A8A] = 0x1B, -- greaternotdblequal \gnapprox [0x02241] = 0x1C, -- notsimilar \nsim [0x02247] = 0x1D, -- notapproxequal \ncong -- [0x0] = 0x1E, -- upslope \diagup -- [0x0] = 0x1F, -- downslope \diagdown -- [0x0] = 0x20, -- notsubsetoreql \varsubsetneq -- [0x0] = 0x21, -- notsupersetoreql \varsupsetneq -- [0x0] = 0x22, -- notsubsetordbleql \nsubseteqq -- [0x0] = 0x23, -- notsupersetordbleql \nsupseteqq [0x02ACB] = 0x24, -- subsetornotdbleql \subsetneqq [0x02ACC] = 0x25, -- supersetornotdbleql \supsetneqq -- [0x0] = 0x26, -- subsetornoteql \varsubsetneqq -- [0x0] = 0x27, -- supersetornoteql \varsupsetneqq [0x0228A] = 0x28, -- subsetnoteql \subsetneq [0x0228B] = 0x29, -- supersetnoteql \supsetneq [0x02288] = 0x2A, -- notsubseteql \nsubseteq [0x02289] = 0x2B, -- notsuperseteql \nsupseteq [0x02226] = 0x2C, -- notparallel \nparallel [0x02224] = 0x2D, -- notbar \nmid \ndivides -- [0x0] = 0x2E, -- notshortbar \nshortmid -- [0x0] = 0x2F, -- notshortparallel \nshortparallel [0x022AC] = 0x30, -- notturnstile \nvdash [0x022AE] = 0x31, -- notforces \nVdash [0x022AD] = 0x32, -- notsatisfies \nvDash [0x022AF] = 0x33, -- notforcesextra \nVDash [0x022ED] = 0x34, -- nottriangeqlright \ntrianglerighteq [0x022EC] = 0x35, -- nottriangeqlleft \ntrianglelefteq [0x022EA] = 0x36, -- nottriangleleft \ntriangleleft [0x022EB] = 0x37, -- nottriangleright \ntriangleright [0x0219A] = 0x38, -- notarrowleft \nleftarrow [0x0219B] = 0x39, -- notarrowright \nrightarrow [0x021CD] = 0x3A, -- notdblarrowleft \nLeftarrow [0x021CF] = 0x3B, -- notdblarrowright \nRightarrow [0x021CE] = 0x3C, -- notdblarrowboth \nLeftrightarrow [0x021AE] = 0x3D, -- notarrowboth \nleftrightarrow [0x022C7] = 0x3E, -- dividemultiply \divideontimes [0x02300] = 0x3F, -- diametersign \varnothing [0x02204] = 0x40, -- notexistential \nexists [0x1D538] = 0x41, -- A (blackboard A) [0x1D539] = 0x42, -- B [0x02102] = 0x43, -- C [0x1D53B] = 0x44, -- D [0x1D53C] = 0x45, -- E [0x1D53D] = 0x46, -- F [0x1D53E] = 0x47, -- G [0x0210D] = 0x48, -- H [0x1D540] = 0x49, -- I [0x1D541] = 0x4A, -- J [0x1D542] = 0x4B, -- K [0x1D543] = 0x4C, -- L [0x1D544] = 0x4D, -- M [0x02115] = 0x4E, -- N [0x1D546] = 0x4F, -- O [0x02119] = 0x50, -- P [0x0211A] = 0x51, -- Q [0x0211D] = 0x52, -- R [0x1D54A] = 0x53, -- S [0x1D54B] = 0x54, -- T [0x1D54C] = 0x55, -- U [0x1D54D] = 0x56, -- V [0x1D54E] = 0x57, -- W [0x1D54F] = 0x58, -- X [0x1D550] = 0x59, -- Y [0x02124] = 0x5A, -- Z (blackboard Z) [0x02132] = 0x60, -- hatwide \Finv [0x02141] = 0x61, -- hatwider \Game -- [0x0] = 0x62, tildewide -- [0x0] = 0x63, tildewider -- [0x0] = 0x64, Finv -- [0x0] = 0x65, Gmir [0x02127] = 0x66, -- Omegainv \mho [0x000F0] = 0x67, -- eth \eth [0x02242] = 0x68, -- equalorsimilar \eqsim [0x02136] = 0x69, -- beth \beth [0x02137] = 0x6A, -- gimel \gimel [0x02138] = 0x6B, -- daleth \daleth [0x022D6] = 0x6C, -- lessdot \lessdot [0x022D7] = 0x6D, -- greaterdot \gtrdot [0x022C9] = 0x6E, -- multicloseleft \ltimes [0x022CA] = 0x6F, -- multicloseright \rtimes -- [0x0] = 0x70, -- barshort \shortmid -- [0x0] = 0x71, -- parallelshort \shortparallel -- [0x02216] = 0x72, -- integerdivide \smallsetminus (2216 already part of tex-sy -- [0x0] = 0x73, -- similar \thicksim -- [0x0] = 0x74, -- approxequal \thickapprox [0x0224A] = 0x75, -- approxorequal \approxeq [0x02AB8] = 0x76, -- followsorequal \succapprox [0x02AB7] = 0x77, -- precedesorequal \precapprox [0x021B6] = 0x78, -- archleftdown \curvearrowleft [0x021B7] = 0x79, -- archrightdown \curvearrowright [0x003DC] = 0x7A, -- Digamma \digamma [0x003F0] = 0x7B, -- kappa \varkappa [0x1D55C] = 0x7C, -- k \Bbbk (blackboard k) [0x0210F] = 0x7D, -- planckover2pi \hslash [0x00127] = 0x7E, -- planckover2pi1 \hbar [0x003F6] = 0x7F, -- epsiloninv \backepsilon } fonts.enc.math["tex-fraktur"] = { -- [0x1D504] = 0x41, -- A (fraktur A) -- [0x1D505] = 0x42, -- B [0x0212D] = 0x43, -- C -- [0x1D507] = 0x44, -- D -- [0x1D508] = 0x45, -- E -- [0x1D509] = 0x46, -- F -- [0x1D50A] = 0x47, -- G [0x0210C] = 0x48, -- H [0x02111] = 0x49, -- I -- [0x1D50D] = 0x4A, -- J -- [0x1D50E] = 0x4B, -- K -- [0x1D50F] = 0x4C, -- L -- [0x1D510] = 0x4D, -- M -- [0x1D511] = 0x4E, -- N -- [0x1D512] = 0x4F, -- O -- [0x1D513] = 0x50, -- P -- [0x1D514] = 0x51, -- Q [0x0211C] = 0x52, -- R -- [0x1D516] = 0x53, -- S -- [0x1D517] = 0x54, -- T -- [0x1D518] = 0x55, -- U -- [0x1D519] = 0x56, -- V -- [0x1D51A] = 0x57, -- W -- [0x1D51B] = 0x58, -- X -- [0x1D51C] = 0x59, -- Y [0x02128] = 0x5A, -- Z (fraktur Z) -- [0x1D51E] = 0x61, -- a (fraktur a) -- [0x1D51F] = 0x62, -- b -- [0x1D520] = 0x63, -- c -- [0x1D521] = 0x64, -- d -- [0x1D522] = 0x65, -- e -- [0x1D523] = 0x66, -- f -- [0x1D524] = 0x67, -- g -- [0x1D525] = 0x68, -- h -- [0x1D526] = 0x69, -- i -- [0x1D527] = 0x6A, -- j -- [0x1D528] = 0x6B, -- k -- [0x1D529] = 0x6C, -- l -- [0x1D52A] = 0x6D, -- m -- [0x1D52B] = 0x6E, -- n -- [0x1D52C] = 0x6F, -- o -- [0x1D52D] = 0x70, -- p -- [0x1D52E] = 0x71, -- q -- [0x1D52F] = 0x72, -- r -- [0x1D530] = 0x73, -- s -- [0x1D531] = 0x74, -- t -- [0x1D532] = 0x75, -- u -- [0x1D533] = 0x76, -- v -- [0x1D534] = 0x77, -- w -- [0x1D535] = 0x78, -- x -- [0x1D536] = 0x79, -- y -- [0x1D537] = 0x7A, -- z } -- now that all other vectors are defined ... fonts.vf.math.set_letters(fonts.enc.math, "tex-mi", 0x1D434, 0x1D44E) fonts.vf.math.set_letters(fonts.enc.math, "tex-ss", 0x1D5A0, 0x1D5BA) fonts.vf.math.set_letters(fonts.enc.math, "tex-tt", 0x1D670, 0x1D68A) fonts.vf.math.set_letters(fonts.enc.math, "tex-bf", 0x1D400, 0x1D41A) fonts.vf.math.set_letters(fonts.enc.math, "tex-bi", 0x1D468, 0x1D482) fonts.vf.math.set_letters(fonts.enc.math, "tex-fraktur", 0x1D504, 0x1D51E) fonts.vf.math.set_letters(fonts.enc.math, "tex-fraktur-bold", 0x1D56C, 0x1D586) fonts.vf.math.set_digits (fonts.enc.math, "tex-ss", 0x1D7E2) fonts.vf.math.set_digits (fonts.enc.math, "tex-tt", 0x1D7F6) fonts.vf.math.set_digits (fonts.enc.math, "tex-bf", 0x1D7CE) -- fonts.vf.math.set_digits (fonts.enc.math, "tex-bi", 0x1D7CE) -- todo: add ss, tt, bf etc vectors -- we can make ss tt etc an option -- rm-lmr5 : LMMathRoman5-Regular -- rm-lmbx5 : LMMathRoman5-Bold ] -- lmbsy5 : LMMathSymbols5-BoldItalic -- lmsy5 : LMMathSymbols5-Italic -- lmmi5 : LMMathItalic5-Italic -- lmmib5 : LMMathItalic5-BoldItalic mathematics.make_font ( "lmroman5-math", { { name = "lmroman5-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "rm-lmr5.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "lmmi5.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "lmsy5.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "lmex10.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam5.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm5.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, -- { name = "rm-lmbx5.tfm", vector = "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmroman5-bold", "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmmib5.tfm", vector = "tex-bi", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "lmsans8-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "lmmono8-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, { name = "eufm5.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur", optional=true }, } ) -- rm-lmr6 : LMMathRoman6-Regular -- rm-lmbx6 : LMMathRoman6-Bold -- lmsy6 : LMMathSymbols6-Italic -- lmmi6 : LMMathItalic6-Italic mathematics.make_font ( "lmroman6-math", { { name = "lmroman6-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "rm-lmr6.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "lmmi6.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "lmsy6.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "lmex10.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam5.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm5.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, -- { name = "rm-lmbx6.tfm", vector = "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmroman6-bold.otf", "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmmib5.tfm", vector = "tex-bi", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "lmsans8-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "lmmono8-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, { name = "eufm5.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur", optional=true }, { name = "eufb5.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur-bold", optional=true }, } ) -- rm-lmr7 : LMMathRoman7-Regular -- rm-lmbx7 : LMMathRoman7-Bold -- lmbsy7 : LMMathSymbols7-BoldItalic -- lmsy7 : LMMathSymbols7-Italic -- lmmi7 : LMMathItalic7-Italic -- lmmib7 : LMMathItalic7-BoldItalic mathematics.make_font ( "lmroman7-math", { { name = "lmroman7-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "rm-lmr7.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "lmmi7.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "lmsy7.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "lmex10.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam7.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm7.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, -- { name = "rm-lmbx7.tfm", vector = "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmroman7-bold.otf", "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmmib7.tfm", vector = "tex-bi", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "lmsans8-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "lmmono8-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, { name = "eufm7.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur", optional=true }, { name = "eufb7.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur-bold", optional=true }, } ) -- rm-lmr8 : LMMathRoman8-Regular -- rm-lmbx8 : LMMathRoman8-Bold -- lmsy8 : LMMathSymbols8-Italic -- lmmi8 : LMMathItalic8-Italic mathematics.make_font ( "lmroman8-math", { { name = "lmroman8-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "rm-lmr8.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "lmmi8.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "lmsy8.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "lmex10.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam7.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm7.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, -- { name = "rm-lmbx8.tfm", vector = "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmroman8-bold.otf", "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmmib7.tfm", vector = "tex-bi", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "lmsans8-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "lmmono8-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, { name = "eufm7.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur", optional=true }, { name = "eufb7.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur-bold", optional=true }, } ) -- rm-lmr9 : LMMathRoman9-Regular -- rm-lmbx9 : LMMathRoman9-Bold -- lmsy9 : LMMathSymbols9-Italic -- lmmi9 : LMMathItalic9-Italic mathematics.make_font ( "lmroman9-math", { { name = "lmroman9-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "rm-lmr9.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "lmmi9.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "lmsy9.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "lmex10.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, -- { name = "rm-lmbx9.tfm", vector = "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmroman9-bold.otf", "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmmib10.tfm", vector = "tex-bi", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "lmsans9-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "lmmono9-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, { name = "eufm10.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur", optional=true }, { name = "eufb10.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur-bold", optional=true }, } ) -- rm-lmr10 : LMMathRoman10-Regular -- rm-lmbx10 : LMMathRoman10-Bold -- lmbsy10 : LMMathSymbols10-BoldItalic -- lmsy10 : LMMathSymbols10-Italic -- lmex10 : LMMathExtension10-Regular -- lmmi10 : LMMathItalic10-Italic -- lmmib10 : LMMathItalic10-BoldItalic mathematics.make_font ( "lmroman10-math", { { name = "lmroman10-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "rm-lmr10.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "lmmi10.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "lmsy10.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "lmex10.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, -- { name = "rm-lmbx10.tfm", vector = "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmroman10-bold.otf", "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmmib10.tfm", vector = "tex-bi", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "lmsans10-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "lmmono10-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, { name = "eufm10.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur", optional=true }, { name = "eufb10.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur-bold", optional=true }, } ) -- rm-lmr12 : LMMathRoman12-Regular -- rm-lmbx12 : LMMathRoman12-Bold -- lmmi12 : LMMathItalic12-Italic mathematics.make_font ( "lmroman12-math", { { name = "lmroman12-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "rm-lmr12.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "lmmi12.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "lmsy10.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "lmex10.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, -- { name = "rm-lmbx12.tfm", vector = "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmroman12-bold.otf", "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmmib10.tfm", vector = "tex-bi", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "lmsans12-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "lmmono12-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, { name = "eufm10.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur", optional=true }, { name = "eufb10.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur-bold", optional=true }, } ) -- rm-lmr17 : LMMathRoman17-Regular mathematics.make_font ( "lmroman17-math", { { name = "lmroman17-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, -- { name = "rm-lmr12.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "lmmi12.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "lmsy10.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "lmex10.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, -- { name = "rm-lmbx12.tfm", vector = "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmroman12-bold.otf", "tex-bf" } , { name = "lmmib10.tfm", vector = "tex-bi", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "lmsans17-regular.otf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "lmmono17-regular.otf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, { name = "eufm10.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur", optional=true }, { name = "eufb10.tfm", vector = "tex-fraktur-bold", optional=true }, } ) -- pxr/txr messes up the accents mathematics.make_font ( "px-math", { { name = "texgyrepagella-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, { name = "rpxr.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "rpxmi.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "pxsy.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "pxex.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "pxsya.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "pxsyb.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, } ) mathematics.make_font ( "tx-math", { { name = "texgyretermes-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, { name = "rtxr.tfm", vector = "tex-mr" } , { name = "rtxmi.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "txsy.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "txex.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "txsya.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "txsyb.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, } ) mathematics.make_font ( "iwona-math", { { name = "file:Iwona-Regular", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, { name = "mi-iwonari.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "sy-iwonarz.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "ex-iwonar.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, } ) mathematics.make_font ( "iwona-light-math", { { name = "file:IwonaLight-Regular", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, { name = "mi-iwonali.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "sy-iwonalz.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "ex-iwonal.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, } ) mathematics.make_font ( "iwona-medium-math", { { name = "file:IwonaMedium-Regular", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, { name = "mi-iwonami.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "sy-iwonamz.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "ex-iwonam.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, } ) mathematics.make_font ( "iwona-heavy-math", { { name = "file:IwonaHeavy-Regular", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, { name = "mi-iwonahi.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "sy-iwonahz.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true } , { name = "ex-iwonah.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true } , { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, } ) -- not ok, we need adapted vectors ! mathematics.make_font ( "mathtimes-math", { { name = "file:texgyretermes-regular.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, { name = "mtmiz.tfm", vector = "tex-mi", skewchar=0x7F }, { name = "mtsyn.tfm", vector = "tex-sy", skewchar=0x30, parameters = true }, { name = "mtex.tfm", vector = "tex-ex", extension = true }, { name = "msam10.tfm", vector = "tex-ma" }, { name = "msbm10.tfm", vector = "tex-mb" }, } )

Taco Hoekwater wrote:
curiouslearn wrote:
Hello All,
While the \fraktur{C} command works for me in the Math mode as part of a regular expression, it does not work in the subscript. The command I am trying is $ x \sim_{\fraktur{C}} y $. I get a blank in place of the fraktur C. However, if I try just $ x \fraktur{C} y $, it works. Does anyone have a fix?
I am using This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.40.5-2009061123 (Web2C 2009) ConTeXt ver: 2009.06.14 21:01 MKIV fmt: 2009.6.25 int: english/english
There is a bug in the mathematics.make_font commands in math-vfu.lua: They should not be using: euf[mb][689].tfm as those result in a pk bitmap font inclusion attempt. Updated version attached.
ok, fixed ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

Hans Hagen
ok, fixed
Taco and Hans, thanks for replying. I updated my Context installation and compiled the file again. However, it still does not work. Do I have to do something else. Thank you once again.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 00:41, curiouslearn wrote:
Hans Hagen writes:
ok, fixed
Taco and Hans, thanks for replying. I updated my Context installation and compiled the file again. However, it still does not work. Do I have to do something else.
You can fix it manually from Taco's post or you can use --context=experimental, but then you need to compile LuaTeX by yourself. Hans' version of ConTeXt doesn't work with current LuaTeX beta, so updating is not possible before next LuaTeX is released. Mojca

Mojca Miklavec
You can fix it manually from Taco's post or you can use --context=experimental, but then you need to compile LuaTeX by yourself.
Hans' version of ConTeXt doesn't work with current LuaTeX beta, so updating is not possible before next LuaTeX is released.
Thanks for the clarification, Mojca. Frankly, I am not sure how difficult this would be for me, so I will perhaps wait for the next LuaTex. Any idea as to when that would be released. Thank you all for being helpful and being patient.
participants (4)
Hans Hagen
Mojca Miklavec
Taco Hoekwater