Executing 'mtxrun' without arguments shows the list of commands. There one finds: mtxrun | ConTeXt TDS Runner Tool 1.30 mtxrun | mtxrun | --script run an mtx script (lua prefered method) (--noquotes), no script gives list Doing 'mtxrun --script' I expected to see a list of the available scripts. But this command prints nothing. Is this something to be repaired? Hans van der Meer

Hans van der Meer wrote:
Executing 'mtxrun' without arguments shows the list of commands. There one finds:
mtxrun | ConTeXt TDS Runner Tool 1.30 mtxrun | mtxrun | --script run an mtx script (lua prefered method) (--noquotes), no script gives list
Doing 'mtxrun --script' I expected to see a list of the available scripts. But this command prints nothing. Is this something to be repaired?
No, there is no such list. Having such a list would be comparable to $ kpsewhich --format=tex returning a list of all tex files in your tree to choose from: mtxrun can run *any* lua script, including anything in the current directory. However, the 'canonical' mtxrun scripts all live in scripts/context/lua, and have names like mtx-<script>.lua Best wishes, Taco
participants (2)
Hans van der Meer