Bugs item #917, was opened at 2008-02-13 18:55 You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=917&group_id=106 Category: None Group: v1.40.6 Status: Open Resolution: Works For Me Priority: 5 Submitted By: Allin Cottrell (allin) Assigned to: Martin Schröder (oneiros)
Summary: pdftex 1.40.6: "invalid argument" on parsing pdftex.map
Initial Comment:
Using an admittedly quite old pdftex.map, pdftex 1.40.5
would product correct output but pdftex 1.40.6 fails to
parse the map file. pdftex.map is attached; here is
interactive output:
waverley:~/mytex/misc$ cat bug.tex
waverley:~/mytex/misc$ pdflatex bug
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.6 (Web2C 7.5.6)
\write18 enabled.
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Comment By: Allin Cottrell (allin) Date: 2008-02-13 19:40
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=4856 Minimal test file and log from pdftex 1.40.5 are added below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Martin Schröder (oneiros) Date: 2008-02-13 19:13 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=421 I can't reproduce this; I can compile sample2e.tex with this map file. Please attach a (minimal) test file. Also the log of 1.40.5 for this file would be helpful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=917&group_id=106