At 18:00 10/03/2004, Thomas Esser wrote:
You can completely replace pdftex.cfg with \input pdftexconfig.tex :
Ok, I just have done this in my tree. The name I have chosen was pdfconfig.tex, and I have put that file to tex/generic/config. Content:
% Set pdfTeX parameters for pdf mode (replacing pdftex.cfg file). % Thomas Esser, 2004. public domain. \pdfoutput=1 \pdfcompresslevel=9 \pdfdecimaldigits=3
make that 4 or 5, esp since tex does a log of back/forward transforms and we don't want to loose precission
\pdfpagewidth=210 true mm \pdfpageheight=297 true mm \pdfhorigin=1 true in \pdfvorigin=1 true in \pdfpkresolution=600 \pdfoptionpdfminorversion=4
actually you can add: \pdfmapfile{psfonts.map} which solves the map file specification problem as well Hans