On 2005-06-09 09:38:04 +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
How many releases do we have per year, i.e. we may as well have enough resolution with those two numbers; currently we don't even use all of them; we can use the character number (c) as bug fix number, and use the current main version number as it is (a*100+b); we should be more generous in jumping numbers (so by now we should have had a.28 and not some 1.22w or so)
If I extrapolate for the last 12 months, - 1.20a would have been 1.20.0 (2004-09-06) - we would probably have a 1.20.1 (2004-10) - 1.20b would have been 1.30.0 (2004-12-22) - 1.21a would have been 1.40.0 (2005-02-04) - we would have done a 1.40.1 and 1.40.2 (and maybe even 1.40.3) - the next release would be 1.50.0 That gives us probably four "proper" releases a year and some bug fixing releases inbetween. I know that this doesn't look very stable, but we have some developement and we should aim at fixing bugs faster. Best regards Martin -- http://www.tm.oneiros.de