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Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 07:46:00 +0200 (MEST)
From: The Thanh Han
Hi Thanh,
attached find a bunch of diffs that should mainly tidy up left-over stuff from the obsolete \pdfmovechars primitive. I hope i'm right that also the update_enc() function is not needed anymore.
The pdftex.ch.diff also contains a patch to get shorter names:
\pdfoptionpdfimagehicolor --> \pdfimagehicolor
\pdfoptionimageapplygamma --> \pdfimageapplygamma
See ntg-pdftex list. I would then try to put the short names into the pdftex manual.
There were also left-over obsolete cfg_pdf12_compliant_code and cfg_pdf13_compliant_code in pdftex.ch.
Can you check and put these patches in before the release?