On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 12:51:01PM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
Heiko Oberdiek wrote:
When will we go 2.00 ? when open type is present?
That's the problem with Martin's proposal, I think. * Never. My understanding of Martin is that we would have "2.0" rather than "2.00".
that's a display question, since it's actually version 200, displayed in the banner as 2.0.0 and when first debugged 2.0.1
Thus the confusion about version numbers remains. * We would go to 2.0 after 1.90 (or 1.90.x or 1.9x or 1.9x.y?)^1 regardless of some "main features" or "compatibility changes". We lost a semantics of the "main version number".
2.0.0 == 2.0 == 2 == 200 2.0.1 == 201 2.0.2 == 202 2.1.0 == 2.1 210
15.0.0 == 15.0 == 15 == 1500 15.0.1 == 1501
I try to define \thepdftexversion that generates the formatted version number: \begingroup \expandafter\ifx\csname pdftexversion\endcsname\relax \gdef\thepdftexversion{0.?}% UNCLEAR \else \ifnum\pdftexversion<100 % \xdef\thepdftexversion{0.\the\pdftexversion\pdftexrevision}% \else \ifnum\pdftexversion<130 % \def\gobble#1{}% \xdef\thepdftexversion{% 1.\expandafter\gobble\the\pdftexversion\pdftexrevision }% \else \ifnum\pdftexversion<200 % \def\gobble#1{}% \xdef\thepdftexversion{% 1.\expandafter\gobble\the\pdftexversion.\number\pdftexrevision }% UNCLEAR \else \count0=\pdftexversion \divide\count0 by 100 % \xdef\thepdftexversion{\the\count0}% \multiply\count0 by -100 % \advance\count0 by \pdftexversion \edef\x{\ifnum\count0 < 10 0\fi\the\count0}% \def\y#1#2{#1.#2}% \xdef\thepdftexversion{\thepdftexversion.\expandafter\y\x}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \endgroup \message{ <<\thepdftexversion>> } \end
Sorry Martin, probably I have got a brain damage after reading a lot of specifications (XPath, XSchema, XQuery, ...). I cannot think without a formal grammar specification. ;-(
Xquery is indeed good for brain damage (interesting that those who oppose tex's mix of typesetting and programming state may favor something xquery -)
It's lecture stuff that I have to learn. It was interesting to see,
how the query language evolved. Some time ago I had made a talk
about the predecessor Quilt.
In two weeks we are dealing with XSLT.
Yours sincerely