problem around texmfmp.c: inipdftex call gives in main.c of texmfmp.c (= pdfetexextra.c), with some debug printf() lines: =========argv[0] <inipdftex> =========kpse_program_name <inipdftex> =========INI_PROGRAM <pdfeinitex> so it does not match the INI_PROGRAM, therefore it doesn't go into ini mode. inipdfetex doesn't either, obviously. But when I do ln -s pdfetex pdfeinitex pdfeinitex call gives: hahe@hahepc1:~$ pdfeinitex y =========argv[0] <pdfeinitex> =========kpse_program_name <pdfeinitex> =========INI_PROGRAM <pdfeinitex> This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.20a-rc1-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.2) (INITEX) %&-line parsing enabled. So somehow the INI_PROGRAM name matching would need an extension so that more combinations for INI_PROGRAM name are possible. Particularily the names starting with inipdf... currently have no use, it seems. Regards, Hartmut