Am 13.06.17 um 09:46 schrieb Ross Moore:
What is the common expectation when one does copy/paste this text from a pdf viewer? I personally expect to get the same text, not the unicode points for the *.sc glyphs from the actual font.
Perhaps. But then the author is stating that it is a heading, but not using proper markup that might be used to include tagging that could convey this.
or the author has written \textsc{ctan} or \textsc{ibm} in which case one would perhaps expect CTAN and IBM not ctan and ibm in the cut-and-paste. So I think it is more or less impossible to give a general rule that works universally. However, for cut and paste I guess that you usually wouldn't want to receive anything other than the base text not the *.sc glyph code points in most of the cases similar to wanting plain text when selecting, say, parts of a bold heading. So in my opinion the default should be plain base text As to deducing a heading structure if it is not properly marked up, that seems to me a totally different kind of usage and yes, there knowing that something is in a special font (and on a line by itself etc) might be a useful indicator, but it screws up the other use, so something would need to give frank