Bugs item #292, was opened at 2005-02-14 15:22 You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=292&group_id=106 Category: hz Group: v1.21a Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Submitted By: Martin Schröder (oneiros) Assigned to: Hartmut Henkel (hhenkel)
Summary: protuding leads to "This can't happen (paragraph)."
Initial Comment: The input --------------------- \pdfoutput=1 \input edmac \input protcode \font\eightrm=ptmr8t \setprotcode\eightrm \pdfprotrudechars=2 \linenummargin{outer} %% left|right|inner|outer \footparagraph{A} \tracingall\tracingonline=0 \beginnumbering \pstart \text{There}\Afootnote{Habent sua fata libelli. (Der Satz wurde auf Wunsch der Redaktion von »Living Marxism« gestrichen; siehe Korsch an P.~Mattick am 3.10.1938.)}/ is a striking contrast between the impression produced in the minds of West"=European revolutionaries by those short pamphlets of Lenin and Trotsky which appeared in poorly translated and poorly printed editions during the final stage and the aftermath of the war, and the response called forth in Europe and U.S.A. by the belated appearance, in 1927, of the first extra"=Russian versions of Lenin's philosophical work of 1908, on »Materialism and Empirio"=Criticism«. \pend \endnumbering \bye --------------------- (all input files are in the attached archive) leads to --------------------- ! This can't happen (paragraph). <recently read> \par \do@feet ...s \else \Afootstart {A}\Afootgroup {A} \fi \ifvoid \Bfootins \els... \pagecontents ...p \@cclv \unvbox \@cclv \do@feet \ifr@ggedbottom \kern -\di... \pagebody ...\boxmaxdepth \maxdepth \pagecontents } \edmac@output ...e \vbox {\makeheadline \pagebody \makefootline }\fi }\advan... <output> {\edmac@output } ... l.30 \bye I'm broken. Please show this to someone who can fix can fix --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment By: Martin Schröder (oneiros) Date: 2005-02-14 15:30
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=421 The submitter used the attached edmac.doc; the error is the same. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=292&group_id=106