31 Mar
31 Mar
12:01 a.m.
Is it possible to set the max to (say) 10.000.000? (tex.web) Actually the sup_ and inf_ stuff is part of tex.ch rather than tex.web (or the new pdftex.web), as far as I can tell. For regular old tex, ie, TL's Build/source/texk/web2c/tex.ch, I tacked on a couple of zeros to sup_buf_size: @!sup_buf_size = 30000000; Martin, can you make the analogous change for pdftex please? (Assuming you have no objection.) Jonathan, if buf_size is still relevant in xetex-land, you may as well do it too? Last year I recall that we discussed increasing all those sup_* values to their maximum allowed (no reason not to), but no one (including me, sigh) ever actually did it. Would anyone like to prepare a patch for that? Thanks, Karl