When I use pdflatex with an article that has no figures, it is more than perfect. But when the article has figures there are problems with the resolution and the testing with PDF/A. Please help me I don't know how to fix the resolution of the figures using pdflatex, also how to make it compatible with PDF/A in Acrobat 7.0, it gives me an error "Unknown error (unknown exception)". Thanks, Heba ntg-pdftex-request@ntg.nl wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. [ pdftex-Bugs-796 ] Different behaviour of latex/pdflatex with word breakups (noreply@sarovar.org)
Message: 1 Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 16:51:53 +0530 From: noreply@sarovar.org Subject: [NTG-pdftex] [ pdftex-Bugs-796 ] Different behaviour of latex/pdflatex with word breakups To: noreply@sarovar.org Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Bugs item #796, was opened at 2007-05-13 09:45 You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=796&group_id=106
Category: None
Group: v1.40.0 Status: Closed Resolution: Rejected Priority: 5 Submitted By: Ingo H. de Boer (idb_winshell) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: Different behaviour of latex/pdflatex with word breakups
Initial Comment: Hi,
I am working on a document with latex2html and the tag \htmlref. I have the sentence:
"... My program provides the following command line arguments, used for e.g. \htmlref{Forward and inverse search}{forwardinversesearch}: .."
Now, I have compiled it with latex and pdflatex. latex does no breakup of the words, whereas pdflatex does it.
Due to this fact, I do not think that it is a problem of the latex2html package.
I do have the latest packages/version of Miktex 2.6 which is working with pdftex 1.40.3
Please find attached a screenshot of the dvi file and the pdf file to make this more clear.
greets Ingo
Comment By: Martin Schr?der (oneiros) Date: 2007-05-13 13:21
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=421
This is a feature of the hyperref package. If you think otherwise, please provide a minimal example.
Comment By: Nobody (None) Date: 2007-05-13 10:07
Message: Logged In: NO
You could try reading the documentation of the hyperref package.
You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=796&group_id=106
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