David Kastrup wrote:
"Martin Schröder"
writes: 2007/11/8, Taco Hoekwater
: Not sure about: * The xpdf/poppler interface (this probably a prerequisite now?) No. It's still too unstable and much too intrusive for an update of stable.
* The LFS support (status as 'bug' is disputable)
Don't think so. At the very least, crashing in the middle of a run is not reasonable behavior.
In my opinion, the crash is the bug, not the inability to create large files: I consider that more of a "known limitation" (yes, I know the difference is vague). We have a patch for the crash (by Martin) already: detect the overflow, abort the run after a nice message. I definately do want that included, and it is a very small and portable check. Also, the LFS-enabling code needs support from autoconf, and is so far only tested on very few platforms. Better to do that testing in a release candidate for 1.50 laster, than to use a bugfix release for testing it now. Best wishes, Taco