Thanks for looking into this. I've tested both Thanh's and your patch and both seem to work fine. On 24.03.20 22:29, Karl Berry wrote:
The first two, about failing to make cmr10+100 and cmr10-100 at the first \pdffontexpand, are expected. (Robert, to answer one of your questions: although you're right that those fonts will never be used, and the doc is not exactly clear on this point [I'll try to improve it], the reality is that pdftex immediately tries to make fonts for the stretch/shrink limit when it processes \pdffontexpand. I don't think this could/should be changed.)
I agree. On 26.03.20 22:49, Karl Berry wrote:
My understanding is that there was nothing wrong with what Robert is doing (though it is unusual). Therefore I see no reason for a message. The prior behavior was just a bug. pdftex should simply behave correctly.
ditto. All best, -- Robert