On 2003-07-09 09:32:46 -0400, Hans Hagen wrote:
At 12:24 09/07/2003 +0200, you wrote:
the pdfTeX project needs a system for tracking bugs, patches and feature requests (whenever I integrate all the latest patches and look for open bugs I fear I forget one).
We could of course set up the needed software by ourself, but there are already places that offer the needed services. I did a quick survey: - Sourceforge (http://sf.net): - Tracker for bugs, support requests, patches, feature requests - Limited to OSI-compatible software (which pdfTeX is) - Savannah (savannah.nongnu.org): - Tracker for bugs, support requests, patches - Limited to GPL-compatible software (which pdfTeX is) - Emphasises on freeness - Berlios (berlios.de): - Tracker for bugs, support requests, patches - Not limited to OSI-compatible software (which pdfTeX is) - It seems you can't automatically get mail about new bugs/patches - Management is german
It seems Sourceforge is offering the most with the least strings attached.
I propose we set up pdfTeX at Sourceforge in the near future (post-Hawaii) for project management but keep the sources in the p4 repository at DANTE/TeXlive (it works perfectly).
maybe we schould discuss this at the next dante meeting; if i remember right Thomas Koch has been talking to Berlios people already about setting up something for tex projects, so we should investigate that option in mode detail, i.e. pdftex can then be the first project there
IIRC the move for Berlios is mainly because Sourceforge and Savannah accept only OSI-compatible software, which (currently) rules out everything licensed under the LPPL, while Berlios is not so dogmatic (they host pdftex.def). Thomas? Best regards Martin -- Martin Schröder, MS@ArtCom-GmbH.DE ArtCom GmbH, Lise-Meitner-Str 5, 28359 Bremen, Germany Voice +49 421 20419-44 / Fax +49 421 20419-10