Bugs item #4325, was opened at 2011-01-10 00:45 Status: Closed Priority: 3 Submitted By: Maverick Woo (maverickwoo) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: Input lines spread across synctex file in MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.9.3962 (1.40.11) Category: synctex Group: None Resolution: Invalid Initial Comment: I am using MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.9.3962 (1.40.11). On one of my larger documents, it generates a synctex file in which the "Input:" lines are spread across the file, i.e., the "Input:" lines do not form a contiguous block at the beginning of the synctex file before the "Content:" line. This breaks the synctex parser in both SumatraPDF and TeXworks. Currently I use latexmk to fix the synctex file automatically after each build. The only thing needed is to move all the "Input:" lines to the front. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Maverick Woo (maverickwoo) Date: 2011-01-11 22:26 Message: Oops, in the process of trying to see if I can fix the code myself I realize I misread the code's comment about input records in _synctex_scan_preamble. Now I see that the current parser already expects "Input:" lines between sheets and that means the v1 spec already allows this. In other words I shouldn't have thought that this is a pdftex problem. Sorry. (Just want to set the record straight here and say sorry.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Maverick Woo (maverickwoo) Date: 2011-01-11 00:59 Message: I see. I was under the impression that anything that can't be parsed by Jerome's C library is outside of the synctex version 1 specification. In particular, the _synctex_scan_preamble function seems to suggest that all "Input:" lines should appear between "SyncTeX Version:" and "Output:". That was why I decided to file the bug here. Thanks for the clarification. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Jerome LAURENS (jlaurens) Date: 2011-01-11 00:29 Message: This is not a pdftex problem, this is a synctex problem. The parser breaks in that situation. As the synctex parser code is shared by both sumatrapdf and texworks, both will fail in synchronizing. This will be fixed in next version of the synctex library. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Maverick Woo (maverickwoo) Date: 2011-01-10 20:50 Message: Attached is a minimal example that yields a synctex file with an "Input:" line after the "Content:" line. I compiled it with: pdflatex -synctex=1 main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: The Thanh Han (hanthethanh) Date: 2011-01-10 18:09 Message: please provide a test file to reproduce the problem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=4325&group_id=106