returns doubled hash of category 12. Is that ok? I mean if it was two hashes in category 6 it wouldn't that strange, but all the characters returned by \pdfescape* are \other. So I think the result for \pdfescapestring{#} should be just one hash of cat 12. ?
It's correct. \pdfescape* call the classic routine "tokens_to_string" to get a string representation of the tokens. Then the escape rules are applied.
During tokens_to_string TeX doubles # in this process and add spaces after macro names.
"tokens_to_string" calls "show_token_list", defined by original TeX; and is called by "print_pdf_toks" that many primitives use.
Same behaviour as \message, \detokenize, ...
It convinces me, that all of those commands should work consequently and I won't insist on changing anything -) Yes, I know it complies all character-catcode-6-rules, but was just thinking is there is any profit of that behaviour in the case of \pdfescape*. I mean \message{#} -> ## (writing) \def\hash{##} -> # (reading) is texish and is symetric. But \pdfescapename{#} -> #23#23 \pdfescapehex{#} -> 2323 \pdfescapestring{#} -> ## is just a consequence of hash-rulez but the doubled hash is always redundant. And of course double hash of category 12 remains double hash \pdfunescapehex{#23#23} -> ## unless \scantokened or something... So, the fact that \pdfescape* primitives doubles a hash is unusable. In practise, you need to use \string# to avoid doubles and I couldn't find realistic example, one may need to have them doubled. But still, it is good that all that commands are consistent. Best, -- Pawe/l Jackowski P.Jackowski@gust.org.pl