Hello Thanh (please ack :), and everyone else - Robert (cc'd) recently
reported an "interesting" pdftex bug related to font expansion of vf
files on the tex-live list. For the record, his original report is here:
but I'll quote as needed to make this email self-contained. Sorry, it's
unavoidably long.
I have a proposed fix (at the end) and am hoping for some kind of
confirmation that it makes sense. (I am definitely not planning to
make any change here for TL20. It's not that urgent, and testing is needed.)
So, Robert found a case where pdftex mixes up two expanded fonts, when
virtual fonts are involved. Here is a test file vfexp.tex, slightly
modified from his original so it will run with -ini:
\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \pdfoutput=1 \nonstopmode \hbadness=10000
\vsize=20pc \hsize=30pt \parfillskip=0pt plus1fil
\pdfmapline{+cmr10 CMR10