what is the reason to escape spaces and newlines in \pdfescapestring?
Following the specification there is no reason[...] Are you sure, that nothing happens with control characters, eg. newlines <LF> recoded as <CR><LF>, ...?
Yes, you're absolutely right.
In case of names: * Some characters such as delimiters and '#' _must_ be escaped. * Others, such as control and 8-bit characters are recommended for escaping. Thus \pdfescapename follows the recommendation.
I've just encountered a problem. Shouldn't \pdfescapename also escape `%' character? \escapechar=-1 \setbox0\hbox{Aqq} \immediate\pdfxform attr {/\pdfescapename{M\string\%Y} /Val}0 \pdfrefxform\pdflastxform \end This produce corrupted output BR, -- Pawe/l Jackowski P.Jackowski@gust.org.pl