On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 10:30:58PM +0200, Hartmut Henkel wrote:
On Fri, 27 May 2005, Hans Hagen wrote:
Hartmut Henkel wrote:
Here is a test file that shows spurious blanks after keywords:
---\pdffontexpand\font 25 25 5 autoexpand---
---\pdfobj reserveobjnum ---
---\pdfdest num1 fitbh ---
---\pdfstartlink goto file{file.pdf} page 1{/FitB}newwindow A\pdfendlink ---
but pdftex is the only one using keywords without anything behind it so the patch fits into tex's paradigm
yes --- but meanwhile i fear that it might cause complaints from people actively using these blanks in running text (mainly \pdfdest; the others might be harmless as they are still rather new).
Would be interesting to know where it might give problems with LaTeX/hyperref.
I have now added \relax after the use of \pdfdest and after \pdfstartlink to be safe in case of future extensions. "reserveobjnum" and \pdffontexpand is not used in hyperref.
Maybe it's too late now for changing...
I do not mind. Better a clear interface than something confusing.
Yours sincerely