Hi, Hartmut:
seems it was still in 1.11b, but not anymore in 1.20b, and it also was never properly documented, so i would purge all references to it.
Done. Martin:
Yep. For new primitives We should also mention the version of pdfTeX when they were introduced.
Yep, will keep new things in this way. Version info should be also added to all the primitives not available in version 1.0. What is the easiest way to get the entire list of primitive changes? Collecting release notes? Thanh:
I introduced this primitive for a job where I need some hacking with page breaking and couldn't do that using macros. This can be safely removed.
Just a question, in the context of page break, doesn't \outputpenalty do this? BR, -- Pawe/l Jackowski P.Jackowski@gust.org.pl