On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Martin Schröder wrote:
On 2004-07-06 23:16:34 +0200, Hartmut Henkel wrote:
\pdfdecimaldigits=3 (not to spoil resolution in case it's forgotten) \pdfoptionpdfminorversion=4 (who would like to get PDF-1.0?) ... \pdfimageresolution=72? 100?
... This is already handled by @
But calling pdftex -ini xx.tex on this file \showthe\pdfimageresolution \showthe\pdfoptionpdfminorversion \end gives: (./xx.tex
0. l.1 \showthe\pdfimageresolution
0. l.2 \showthe\pdfoptionpdfminorversion
So the user has to know that "0" means "72 dpi". With the patch below, already the call to barebones pdftex -ini xx.tex gives: (./xx.tex
72. l.1 \showthe\pdfimageresolution
4. l.2 \showthe\pdfoptionpdfminorversion
And if i set this to 3 in pdftexconfig.tex, after a texconfig init run i get by calling pdftex xx.tex (not in ini mode):
3. l.2 \showthe\pdfoptionpdfminorversion
Unclear how large parts of
@p procedure check_and_set_pdfoptionpdfminorversion;
are then obsolete by this patch. And yes, it should go into pdftex.ch (i
only use tex.ch2 for testing).
Regards, Hartmut
% tex.ch2
cfg_pdf_option_pdf_inclusion_errorlevel_code = pdf_option_pdf_inclusion_errorlevel_code;
@y ---------------------------------------------------------------------
cfg_pdf_option_pdf_inclusion_errorlevel_code = pdf_option_pdf_inclusion_errorlevel_code;
@ Initialize pdftex's parameters to some useful default value.
Helpful in case one forgets to set them during initex run.