Dear pdftex developers, during the last months security support for software containing xpdf code was a nightmare - not only that there were many security issues discovered, moreover everybody used a different patch, it was unclear to what extent older versions were affected, and so forth. This was also a problem for us, the teTeX maintainer in Debian, which currently has three versions of pdftex with three different versions of the xpdf code. What would you think about creating a shared library, "libxpdf", and using that for pdftex, either linked dynamically (for Linux/Unix distributions) or statically (for TeX-live and friends)? There is already such a library, libpoppler, a fork of the xpdf code (http://poppler.freedesktop.org/). However, I do not know whether the xpdf author, Derek B. Noonburg, is generally unwilling to create a shared library, or whether people simply didn't ask him. Personally I would prefer to have as little a number of versions of the same code, and thus to get a shared library from xpdf proper. If you agree, I would be oblidged if one of you would contact Derek Noonburg (derekn@foolabs.com) and ask him. He seems to be a little unresponsive at times, and has not answered a similar question from the maintainer of the xpdf package in Debian for a couple of weeks now. Maybe we can convince him that this is a good idea if he is approached from different sides. Alternatively, if he is unwilling to make this change, do you think using libpoppler would be feasible? Many thanks in advance, Frank Küster -- Frank Küster Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich Debian Developer