Hi Jérôme, LAURENS Jérôme wrote:
* how does this patch relate to the --src-specials switch from web2c,
No common code better design stronger design better result
Does that mean that eventually we may get rid of --src-specials completely? (That would be good). Right now, we will probably have both at the same time and I was a little worried that they might interfere with eachother. From you long explanation below, I now understand that they don't.
and what editor/previewer combinations understand your files format? (and/or are likely to start doing that in the future)
I understand your question: you are wondering if this feature would be used by a viewer or an editor. Anyone who ever used synchronization does not ask this question because he knows that such a synchronization is a "must have".
Thanks for the long technical answer as well. So far, I have never really used editor synchronization tools in my TeX work. Personally, I always found that the semi-automatic window changes were very distracting. I have never been much of a fan of integrated TeX systems either, for much the same reason (this is a matter of personal taste, so don't take it as a critique on your patch).
This will result in more lines of web changes, but it will be easier to maintain the code by someone that is not you.
If you are talking about code design, I would follow you if you could explain what kind of extensions you are thinking of.
You made a convincing argument, so just leave it as is.
To give you an idea of what I am talking about, here is the list of
nodes that have size>3 already even without your patch in luatex
(you could consider luatex an extension to pdftex):
Core output nodes: disc, box, rule, glyph, margin_kern
Whatits that are output: pdf_refxform, pdf_refximage,
pdf_annot, pdf_dest, pdf_thread,
Internal stream nodes: ins_node, page_ins_node
Internal whatsits: dir, open, local_par, pdf_colorstack,
Temporary math objects: style, radical_noad, accent_noad,
(about everything) fraction_noad, noad
Alignment stack entries: align_stack
Paragraph breaking: hyphenated, unhyphenated, passive, delta
Weird ones: shape, pseudo_line
(variable size)
Some of those are candidates for synchronization, but many are not.
A whole bunch of them is never written to the output at all.
Like I said, leave your code as is. But I want to show you how
it would also have been possible (luatex pascal web, not pdftex,
but it does not really matter):
@d box_node_size=8+synchronization_field_size
{number of words to allocate for a box node}
@p function new_null_box:pointer; {creates a new box node}
var p:pointer; {the new node}
begin p:=new_node(hlist_node,min_quarterword);
+ @
* you licensed the C file as GPL2, yes?
Open source, whether GPL2 or something else, I don't know for sure because I was not given any hint about pdftex development rules.
GPL2 is fine, just making sure.
* the attachments seem missing in sarovar.org at the moment
All the attachments have been removed, there might be a good reason, should I upload once again?
I don't know why they were removed in the first place. Martin, is that something you did? Best wishes, Taco