Bugs item #4291, was opened at 2009-06-26 22:37 Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: The Thanh Han (hanthethanh) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: \pdfgentounicode conflicts with cmap+\pdffontattr Category: None Group: None Resolution: None Initial Comment: from https://www.tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2007-October/014986.html
I think there are unsolved issues. Now there are two methods for adding CMaps: (a) \pdffontattr, package cmap (b) \pdfgentounicode, glyphtounicode.tex
Both methods have its limitations, e.g. (b) only works for Type 1 fonts. Thus you could need both methods to cover all fonts, but the methods doesn't know each other, thus fonts can end up with two CMap tables.
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