On Sat, Aug 18, 2007 at 02:32:03PM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
I have written some applications that are used on both *x and windows. While it is possible to have a build environment on Windows (using Msys), it has been much easier to use a cross-compiler under linux, e.g., http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/. It would be interesting to try using these tools to create a build-win32.sh for pdftex.
A working cross compilation environment would help a _lot_.
since the very beginning of pdftex I used to cross-compile pdftex binaries using the following cross-compilers: djgpp mingw32 gnuwin32 (and recently also gcc for linux ppc) Then I didn't need to do that anymore, so I stopped being interested in this issue. But until now I can still cross-compile at least djgpp from the latest pdftex sources. However I heard from Hans that djgpp binaries are not that fast as those compiled by mingw32. IIRC Taco is using mingw32 to build luatex binaries for windows, so he may have more useful input. Anyway, if anyone needs djgpp binaries of pdftex, I can make that immediately. Thanh