Bugs item #4014, was opened at 2009-04-08 17:24
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Andrey Paramonov (pent)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Drops characters from included pdf figure
Category: PDF inclusion
Group: None
Resolution: Wont Fix
Initial Comment:
To reproduce:
1) Download attached file. It is a pdf figure containing some non-latin characters. Note that the used font subset is embedded.
2) Create the following minimal LaTeX document:
3) pdflatex it. Open the resulting pdf file and note that all non-latin characters have disappeared.
My pdflatex says:
Running `LaTeX' on `test' with ``pdflatex "\nonstopmode\input
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
%&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel Comment By: The Thanh Han (hanthethanh)
Date: 2009-04-08 19:05 Message:
update: the link was wrong again; somehow a ';' was automatically inserted to the link.
Please see bug #2092 for a similar problem and workaround.
Comment By: The Thanh Han (hanthethanh)
Date: 2009-04-08 19:02
update: the previous link was broken, correction:
Comment By: The Thanh Han (hanthethanh)
Date: 2009-04-08 18:59
I guess the figure was created with a modified version of utmr8a.pfb (NimbusRomNo9L-Regu), since the original utmr8a.pfb doesn't have non-latin glyphs. This is not a bug of pdftex. For a workaround, please see
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