On 1 July 2009 Jérome Laurens wrote:
Hahn found a bug in synctex, I fixed it and made the tests with the stable branch of pdftex
Hi Jérome, of course, if there had been a bug in synctex, it's good that it is fixed now. However, I doubt that synctex was responsible for the problem I reported. There must still be another problem. Isn't synctex very new technology? I could reproduce the problem with older versions of TeX Live. Please try: http://tug.org/~kotucha/testpgfplots.tex.gz I suppose that it's a better test file than the one I prepared first. What I've found out so far is that 1. the problem is not new, 2. luatex has the same problem, 3. the string pool is growing. Because I don't know what exactly causes the problem, I can't even provide a minimal test file. "Unfortunately" pgfplots depends on e-TeX and I don't have a "Knuth's TeX + e-TeX" binary. Maybe there exists something like this in older TL releases. Maybe even Knuth's TeX has this problem, but I don't know to prove it. Hans and Taco said that the string pool is the culprit. Yes, after adding some tiny things to the .tex file, I had to create a new format file with an increased string pool in order to get PDF files at all. It's definitely the string pool which causes trouble. I don't know anything about TeX's innards but the name "string pool" implies that it contains human readable stuff. If this is true, isn't it possible to convince TeX to dump the string pool to a file or to standard output, for instance, whenever a page is shipped out? This probably helps to find out what's going on. Anyway, please try http://tug.org/~kotucha/testpgfplots.tex.gz instead of mktestfiles.gz. Regards, Reinhard -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reinhard Kotucha Phone: +49-511-3373112 Marschnerstr. 25 D-30167 Hannover mailto:reinhard.kotucha@web.de ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------