Hi, pdftex-1.40.11 is available at http://sarovar.org/frs/download.php/1300/pdftex-1.40.11.tar.bz2 This is a maintenance release with mostly bugfixes. ,--------, | - bugfixes: | - ttf2afm reported wrong ItalicAngle for some fonts | - detect/prevent wrong arguments of \pdfsetmatrix [#4301] | - check for pdf nodes in dvi mode | - whitespace should be inserted when concatenating contents stream [#4307] | - pdftex fails to include seemingly good PDF [#4309] | - wrong description of \pdfelapsedtime in manual [#4300] | - \pdfgentounicode conflicts with cmap+\pdffontattr [#4291] | - \rightmarginkern doesn't work for last lines [#4292] | - \pdfximagebbox wrong for PDF files with /Rotate != 0 [#939] | - \leftmarginkern & \rightmarginkern doesn't work with box registers > 255 [#4312] | | - changes: | - pdf inclusion: removed the requirement that named resources must be indirect (#4299) | - added debug messages for pdftex_fail() `--------` Regards, Thanh