On 2005-11-20 19:44:44 +0100, Pawel Jackowski wrote:
Version 3 says nothing about inheritance (see quoted below). I'll try to get the newest PDF/X spec. However, some apps may treat inherited boxes different; afaik Acrobat don't display boxes if inherited from /Pages -)
I just reread the 1.6 spec (section 3.6.2): - /MediaBox is required, and inheritable - /CropBox is optional, and inheritable - /BleedBox is optional, and _not_ inheritable - /TrimBox is optional, and _not_ inheritable - /ArtBox is optional, and _not_ inheritable So Hans is right in specifying Trim on every page, but can specify Media and Crop only once.
The inclusion of the bounding boxes as specified in Portable Document Format Reference Manual, Version 1.3, Second Edition, is a required operation in the process of creating a PDF/X file. For all PDF files, the MediaBox is required. Additionally, each PDF/X page shall include either an ArtBox or TrimBox, but not both. The inclusion of a BleedBox is optional. If a BleedBox is present, neither the ArtBox nor the
I can imagine that PDF/X has the same requirements as linearized PDF with regards to inheritance. Best Martin -- http://www.tm.oneiros.de