[ https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-pdftex/2018-June/004251.html ] Can anyone tell me how this issue has been resolved, if at all ? I removed the inclusion of /CharSet in the output in the pdftex source (back in July). We did not compile new TL binaries with that change. As things stand, it will be included in TL19. I imagine Christian has compiled new MiKTeX binaries since then. Hence the difference in behavior. has provided that produces a ôòümissing CharSetôòý error when validated with Adobeôòùs Preflight for PDF/A-1b. That "error" from preflight contradicts the previous information, which was that CharSet was optional, but had to be completely correct if it was included. There is no way to make it completely correct (precomposed accent agony, etc.). Therefore the idea was to omit it. -k