Jie Luo
Frank Küster wrote:
Jie Luo
wrote: Hi,
I modified you patch to get it apply to tetex-3.0_p1, and change font_max back to 2000 in texmf.cnf. Everything is fine now. Thank you very much for patch.
Ah, great - can you publish this modified patch?
Thanks in advance, Frank
Thank you! Hm, I get a compilation error: ./tangle pdftex.web pdftex.ch This is TANGLE, Version 4.5 (Web2C 7.5.4) *1*17*25*38*54*72*99*110*115*133*162*173*199*203*207*211*220*256*268*289*297*300*321*332*366*402*464*487*511*539*583*592*644*652*664*666*673*696*779*819*838*858*907*952*1001*1030*1039*1058*1081*1106*1119*1168*1194*1275*1347*1438*1469*1477*1479*1577*1586*1588*1600*1609*1612 Writing the output file.....500.....1000.....1500.....2000.....2500.....3000.....3500.....4000.....4500.....5000.....5500.....6000.....6500.....7000.....7500.....8000.....8500.....9000.....9500... Done. 1468 strings written to string pool file. (No errors were found.) srcdir=. /bin/sh ./web2c/convert pdftex syntax error: Last token = 292 ($), error buffer = `allocvffnts', last id = `allocvffnts' (parameterless procedure). ./web2c/splitup: fatal: No #include pdftexcoerce.h line. ./web2c/convert: conversion of pdftex.p failed, moving dregs: ./web2c/convert: mv pdftex[0-9].c pdftexini.c pdftexd.h pdftexcoerce.h /tmp mv: cannot stat `pdftex[0-9].c': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat `pdftexini.c': No such file or directory This is the Debian package of tetex-src_3.0.tar.gz, with some patches applied. These patches are available at svn//svn.debian.org/svn/debian-tex/tetex-bin/trunk/debian/patches unfortunately the web interface at http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-tex/tetex-bin/trunk/debian/patches/ seems to be down at the moment. The only patch that I think is interesting is patch-poppler, hm. Any ideas what's going on? Regards, Frank -- Dr. Frank Küster Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)