Le 11 févr. 08 à 11:23, Hans Hagen a écrit :
the policy for pdftex is not to introduce new primitives unless preceded by \pdf ... (not that i care that much because macro packages can deal with it but for latex it was considered a problem as there are many packages out there we don't know of), so such is life ...
anyhow, even if we use a non prefixed primitive, i'd like a more verbose one
this one seems ambiguous
or, actually, it belongs to the trace family
or so; since we're talking tex here, the tex in \synctex is somewhat strange; of course you can call your mechanism as such, but that;s a different matter
Couldn't we adopt an intermediate position? \tracesynctexpositions where you consider synctex as a whole word, just like mutex, cortex, vortex, vertex and of course latex In fact, due to performance reasons, only approximate output positions are traced, the output position unit is tex sp, but the synctex position unit is 8192 sp. I would expect a \traceoutputpositions to really report the output position, not just something approximate. \tracingsynctex is another choice. More texish, but I would not choose it. JL