Agreed. I would also add that, as a non-member of the NTG-PdfTeX list, all of my postings /must/ have been approved by the moderator. I can therefore only think that the moderator regards them as being sufficiently on-topic to allow them onto the list, even if Martin disagrees.
I have encountered mailing lists with a heavy-handed moderator like that. On most mailing lists, however, the moderator does not weed out discussions between dissenting adults but rather makes sure that no off-topic or deficient material (spam, sometimes completely inappropriate postings by newcomers, oversized attachments, and so on) gets on. It is a heavy-handed move to actually censor postings, not usually done lightly or without warning, and a warning takes work. Please don't confuse a lack of censorship with personal approval: that is heaping more responsibility/blame on list moderators than they deserve. -- David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum