On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 04:27:12PM +0200, Eric.Brunet@lps.ens.fr wrote:
Heiko Oberdiek Wrote:
I have always found annoying that pdftex and latex don't accept the same formats of image files (jpg,png,pdf versus eps). It doesn't really make
But there are lots of different drivers: dvips, dvipsone, VTeX, ... The main problem is a missing standard for graphics inclusion and other things that extends the DVI format specification.
I agree, doing things perfectly is a huge task. But, hey, one needs to start somewhere. Having dvips working would already be something...
There is no need to patch, dvips already can convert and embed files on the fly. (See the last argument of \DeclareGraphicsRule, check dvips (configuration) options for enabling the feature, if it is disabled.)
Well, solutions such as \DeclareGraphicsRule{.jpg}{eps}{}{`jpeg2ps -r0 #1} are not really satisfactory: even if your correspondants use the same driver as you do, they need to have an extra program installed,
Otherwise you would need uptodate programs, that is also a problem, see below.
and they need to have a very unsecure option enabled. (Do you really like the idea that ``latex foobar && dvips foobar -o'' might erase all your files if foobar was written with bad intentions ?)
The insecure option can be avoided by a small dvi filter program. It analyzes the \special texts, performs secure conversions and replaces the conversion commands in the \special text by the converted output file.
The most important problem is that if you want to be compatible with what pdflatex does wehn including a jpeg file without specifying its size, you need to invoke ``jpeg2ps -r0'' for jpg files with a resolution in the JFIF segment, and ``jpeg2ps -r72'' for jpg files without a resolution, so you cannot have everything working correctly with a simple \DeclareGraphicsRule invocation. That is very annoying ! Is there a better programm than jpeg2ps out there ?
You can inspect the resolution using bmpsize.
Of course, my patch simply does the same thing as jpeg2ps from within dvips, but without the senseless rescaling. The only difference is that it is more robust (no problem fiddling with the options of jpeg2ps), and no need for the unsecure shell-escapes.
There are lots of image formats (n): BMP, GIF, JPEG, MSP, PAM, PCX, PNG, PNM, SGI, TGA, TIFF, WMF, XPM, ... And there are lots of dvi drivers (m): dvips, dvipsone, dvipdfm, pdfTeX, VTeX, ... Thus the work is O(n \times m), I would prefer a solution with O(n + m).
No need for this, look at package bmpsize!
That is great. I didn't know that wonderfull package. Unfortunately, I cannot test it right now because my pdftex is too old, but I'll remember it exists.
It uses \pdffiledump, available since pdfTeX 1.30.
Yours sincerely