5 Jun
5 Jun
2:35 p.m.
Patch OutlineAttr
Since PDF 1.3/1.4 further entries are supported in the outline
item dictionary: /SE, /C, /F. Especially the last to keys can
be interesting. Currently there is no support in pdfTeX to set
these entries. Therefore I have added the possibility to
specify further attributes to the \pdfoutline command:
\pdfoutline <outline spec>
<outline spec> --> <attr spec> <action spec>
[count <number>] <general text>
Patch files, based on 2002/06/05 v1.11a:
pdftex.ch.diff for pdftexdir/pdftex.ch
pdftex-syntax.txt for pdftexdir/pdftex-syntax.txt
Yours sincerely