Bugs item #2100, was opened at 2008-10-09 00:18 Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Stefan Becuwe (sbecuwe) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: colors on page influenced by included pdf image Category: PDF inclusion Group: None Resolution: None Initial Comment: I've got a problem with defined colors on a page when I include a pdf image. The original file (regression-org.pdf) is included on the second page: blue and red on that page are different from the blue and red on the other pages. However, if I convert the included pdf image to ps via pdftops and back to pdf via pstopdf (regression.pdf), there's no problem as shown on the last page. Is this a bug in pdftex, or am I using an "incorrectly" generated pdf image file, since a double conversion seems to produce the correct output? (I'm using texlive's 2008 pdftex 1.40.9) Best regards Stefan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=2100&group_id=106