Support Requests item #4359, was opened at 2013-01-08 08:41 Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Vadim Engelson (vengelson) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: The /Names[..(hypertarget)..] is not visible in PDF 1.5 anymore Category: None Group: None Resolution: None Initial Comment: The older version of pdflatex 1.40.9 generates an ASCII fragment in PDF file looking like /Names[...(HYPERTARGET)...] for each latex \hypertarget{HYPERTARGET} command in Latex *.tex file PDF version is 1.4. Using OpenSuse 11.2. In PDF these are called named-destinations. These can be visible by unix command "strings xxx.pdf" The new version of pdflatex 1.40.12 generates this information in some encoded from , not in ASCII. May be it is compressed or encoded for some reason. The PDF version 1.5 now. Using OpenSuse 12.2. Is there any extra argument, parameter or a switch to make the strings like /Names[...(HYPERTARGET)...] visible as ASCII strings inside PDF file ? If not, is there any simple API that works with PDF 1.5 on Unix, to extract all named-destinations mentioned in the PDF file ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Heiko Oberdiek (oberdiek) Date: 2013-01-10 19:50 Message: The more recent TeX distributions (TeX Live, MiKTeX) have changed the default settings for the PDF formats: * PDF version is now PDF-1.5. * PDF object compression is enabled, a feature of PDF-1.5, that compresses objects that are not stream objects. PDF object compression can be disabled by \pdfobjcompresslevel=0 The setting for the formats is configured in `pdftexconfig.tex' in TeX Live. After changing the file you need to regenerate the format files. (Do not mix up \pdfobjcompresslevel with \pdfcompresslevel, the latter configures stream compression.) Or you can use package `pdf14' (or hyperref option `pdfversion=1.4') right at the beginning of the document (before PDF objects are written): \RequirePackage{pdf14} This is even possible (and recommended) before \documentclass. The package switches back to PDF-1.4 and disables object compression, which not available in PDF-1.4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=494&aid=4359&group_id=106