Le 12 févr. 08 à 11:10, Hans Hagen a écrit :
LAURENS Jérôme wrote:
Le 12 févr. 08 à 09:26, Hans Hagen a écrit :
LAURENS Jérôme wrote:
\tracesynctexpositions=0:disabled \tracesynctexpositions=1:math, kern, glue, hbox \tracesynctexpositions=2:add noads \tracesynctexpositions=3:add some whatsits so, variant 2 and 3 are influencing the node lists (I assume that this does not influence the outout i.e. no inhibiting of the \last... primitives etc (sometimes whatsits can get in the way) Actually, absolutely no new node is created, unlike srcltx, src- specials and pdfsync This is why there won't be compatibility problems with already existing macros.
ok, so 2 is not 'add noad's (which are nodes -) but 'add info to more nodes'
yes, I meant "add more nodes to the list of observable nodes"...
(btw, i then assume that there is also an implicit position insertion possible, like \injectsuchapositionhere or so)
not yet.
maybe it makes sense to add such a primitive
The idea would be something like \marksynctexposition{blah} or \synctexcomment{blah} where blah is something related to the content, but I do not know yet how it should be designed
hm, adding labels would add more info to the log file (which you want to keep small)
The preliminary explanations about synchronization (packed with the early versions of the patch) is available at http://itexmac.sourceforge.net/synchronize+Frames.pdf If you take a look at pages 5-9, you will see exactly the information the synctex auxiliary file provides. This is far better than former specials or pdfsync. I can't measure for sure, but to give just an idea, I would say that with this information, I can synchronize 99% of the characters, and 99.9% of the lines. So I am not sure that a \injectsuchapositionhere would be of great help. Maybe adding meta information/comment would help.