On 2005-07-01 16:13:59 +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
so, for latex the solution would be (in the latex specific initialization file):
\let\pdfmatch\match \let\match\undefined
That way you get (1) a prefix (one that will not clash with other prefixes) and (2) we keep tex prefix-clean
Yes, that would be possible (e.g. in pdftexconfig.tex in tetex). But it needs a special format and it's non-portable. The reverse would also be possible: \let\match\ptexmatch Our "problem" is that TeX, the LaTeX kernel and plain.tex are very stable, so nobody expects new primitives from the engine. And we don't want to break backwards compatibility with old documents. The only way for this is a reserved namespace like \ptex (it seems only texinfo uses it, and it's use won't break with a new pdftex). I suggest introducing non-pdf-extensions with \ptex$foo. Best Martin -- http://www.tm.oneiros.de