Hi Hartmut, this probably has to do with the issue whether to copy or not margin_kern_node when unboxing a box we discussed a while ago. Perhaps edmac typesets some text, unboxes it and typesets it again and in this second phase the margin_kern_node ends up with error, as the only place where margin_kern_node makes sense is in the post line-breaking phase. I have no idea how to solve it yet. Ignoring margin_kern_node during line-breaking seems to be the right thing to do, but I am afraid it's not enough. Leaving margin_kern_node nodes pass unboxing means that they can end up anywhere, hence we also need to handle them everywhere (which is very fragile). Regards, Thanh
Comment By: Hartmut Henkel (hhenkel) Date: 2005-02-14 20:42
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=929
Now we know which side effects patch-274 has. When it's reverted, the file is processed without error, but margin kerning is missing (which was the original problem before patch-274).
Following experiment is done _with_ patch-274.
The "this can't happen" error happens within the line_break routine, which chokes on a margin_kern_node (which was filtered out before patch-274).If one adds margin_kern_node to the do_nothing list, like:
mark_node,ins_node,adjust_node,margin_kern_node: do_nothing; othercases confusion("paragraph")
it apparently works ok, and margin kerning is fine also (requires patch in hz.ch). But i need to understand how the line_break routine works, whether a do_nothing is the right thing to do...
Regards, Hartmut