On 1/23/10, Jerome Laurens
Hartmut Henkel
a écrit : Hi,
On Fri, 22 Jan 2010, Jérome Laurens wrote:
As noticed by Martin, since TeXLive 09 the .synctex file is always created in the same directory as the pdf output. This is the only way to tell a pdf viewer that there exists some synctex information around.
but it must be a special viewer knowing about synctex. Couldn't one then put the required path info into the PDF file, e. g., as some special comment, or even as /PTEX_SYNCTEX_PATH key into the info dir or catalog?
Yes, my comment was a bit short. In fact, SyncTeX also works with dvi such that some equivalent to /PTEX_SYNCTEX_PATH should be defined for dvi and xdv files. Moreover, all the dvi2pdf and xdv2pdf tools should also support this kind of enhancement. It would be perfectly possible but this is not really something I'd like to do myself.
In short, my suggestion would be to somehow hard code "Factory" (or any appropriate name) as output directory name.
i guess this would make the overall system rather inflexible.
Not really. This is just a matter of convention: if someone wants to use the pdftex output directory option and does not really know what name to choose, he can simply use "Factory". That would make life easier when sharing documents as folders. And that would give a better UI experience for newcomers or beginners. Anyway, that is out of topic on this list.
Karl will be looking into the output directory option. If he thinks a default value like "Factory" would be helpful, then probably he could add that. IMO this change is backward-incompatible; until now giving no output dir means using the current dir. If we change the default to "Factory", users who don't use this option might be surprised since they will not get the output in the current dir as expected. Regards, Thanh