23 Jan
23 Jan
2:40 p.m.
Hi, Hartmut Henkel wrote:
On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Martin Schröder wrote:
2007/1/23, Martin Schröder
: The object doesn't exists. Same is true for french/texlive-fr/live.pdf: 0000000612 00000 f If I recreate the files here with my non-TL installation, I get valid files.
same with newest pdftex from said current tex live inst 20070123. It just means that live.pdf somehow hasn't been compiled properly (maybe a path problem). No pdftex issue. Just remaking live.pdf should repair this.
Could it be that the pk inclusion is broken? I saw no math fonts at all in martin's dump, and that is a bit suspicious. Perhaps the "not a font" entries were lmsy10 et al? Taco