Hans Hagen wrote:
Given those future font capabilities of pdftex (thanh: what happened with your construct fonts on the fly feature?), i wonder if it is possible to add something
<dimen> Take for instance:
That's not an url ;-) As it stands, kerning/ligaturing info is memorized by TeX as a series of programs-per-font. Each of these contain only character labels and pointers to kern amounts in another table. All of those font-specific little programs are collated inside a single array (indexed per-font by yet another array), and all of that indexing makes it quite hard to manipulate the individual entries. This stuff would be a lot easier if there was something like a 'font object' in TeX, which there isn't (I'll start work on that as soon as there is a semi-stable 1.30 candidate). Greetings, Taco PS. I can create a series of slides that show internals of the font reading process for the ntg meeting, if you are interested.