there is actually a bug when SyncTeX has to manage spaces in file names.
This bug only appears in pdfTeX, but not in XeTeX.
Here it is:
xetex --synctex=1 "my file"
creates a file named <my file.synctex.gz>, whereas
pdftex --synctex=1 "my file"
creates a file named <"my file".synctex.gz>. Note that the 2 quote
chars are considered by pdftex part of the name.
This difference is due to some "normalize_quotes" function being used
differently in XeTeX and pdfTeX.
As usual, it is really difficult to understand how TeX handles things
This is why I submit you my simple fix before texlive is updated, you
may have a better approach.
The fix is simply to rely on the output_file_name (instead of the
jobname), remove the terminating path extension and append to one
required by SyncTeX.
It works for the very simple tests I could think of.
Do you agree?
BTW, it is natural to ask whether different but similar problems may
Assuming the funny file named