23 Mar
23 Mar
1:03 p.m.
On 2004-03-23 13:41:54 +0700, The Thanh Han wrote:
after syncing from texlive sources I can no longer make pdfxtex (no such target in texk/web2c/Makefile). Was it removed intentionally?
Seems so. #45 change 4471 edit on 2004/03/11 by te@gauss (ktext) * fix dependencied to pdfxtex (currently does not build on * UNIX), make pdfetex the defualt tex engine (no longer build * pdftex / etex), get rid of ini*tex and vir*tex symlinks, * minor other merges with teTeX Best regards Martin -- Martin Schröder, ms@artcom-gmbh.de ArtCom GmbH, Lise-Meitner-Str 5, 28359 Bremen, Germany Voice +49 421 20419-44 / Fax +49 421 20419-10 http://www.artcom-gmbh.de